
Contribution guide


Data check is being implemented as a series of single functions that accomplish a single item on the checklist.

Each function is contained in a file which is the same name. That file also contains the test function to test the implementation.

Where relevant, functions are written with the data frame being tested as the first argument. The return value of a check function should also be the original data frame. This makes them conform to the 'pipe' (%>%) operator from magrittr. Messages are sent to the user via message(...) or warnings(...), detailed below.

Folder structure

./docs/ - contains additional documentation such as this architecture note

./R/<heading>/ - scripts are organized based on the headings from the checklist

./testdata/<function_name>/ - data used to test implementations is put here

Script implementation

Ideally, excluding comments, each script file only has three parts. For example, looking at ./R/general-import/content_spot_check.R:

Function arguments

Where possible, try to imitate the function arguments and style of the original functions being tested. For example, an import check function should require a file argument, in addition to some optional arguments: header, sep, col.names, skip; these are all defined in read_csv or read.csv

Output formatting

We currently use the console to report errors. R has a few built-in functions for this purpose:

Our style for messages looks like this in the console:

<function_name>: <filename>
    Warning message text here with relevant info
    If necessary, use additional lines, but try not to
    If relevant, mention row numbers of offending data

associatedpress/apdatacheck documentation built on Feb. 17, 2020, 9:27 p.m.