Man pages for assuncaolfi/pbr
Power BI API Wrapper

add_dashboardCreates a new empty dashboard on "My Workspace".Required...
add_dashboard_in_groupCreates a new empty dashboard on the specified...
add_datasource_userGrants or updates the permissions required to use the...
add_group_userGrants the specified user permissions to the specified...
add_power_bi_encryption_keyAdds an encryption key for Power BI workspaces assigned to a...
authenticateReturns authentication token.
bind_to_gatewayBinds the specified dataset from "My Workspace" to the...
bind_to_gateway_in_groupBinds the specified dataset from the specified workspace to...
capacities_assignworkspacestocapacityAssigns the provided workspaces to the specified...
capacities_unassignworkspacesfromcapacityUnassigns the provided workspaces from capacity.Note: The...
clone_reportClones the specified report from "My Workspace".If after...
clone_report_in_groupClones the specified report from the specified workspace.If...
clone_tileClones the specified tile from "My Workspace".If target...
clone_tile_in_groupClones the specified tile from the specified workspace.If...
create_datasourceCreates a new datasource on the specified gateway.Required...
create_groupCreates new workspace.Required scope:...
create_temporary_upload_locationCreates a temporary blob storage to be used to import large...
create_temporary_upload_location_in_groupCreates a temporary blob storage to be used to import large...
dashboards_generatetokeningroupGenerates an embed token to view the specified dashboard from...
dashboards_getdashboardsasadminReturns a list of dashboards for the organization.Note: The...
dashboards_getdashboardsingroupasadminReturns a list of dashboards from the specified...
dashboards_gettilesasadminReturns a list of tiles within the specified dashboard.Note:...
dataflows_exportdataflowasadminExports the specified dataflow definition to a .json...
dataflows_getdataflowdatasourcesasadminReturns a list of datasources for the specified...
dataflows_getdataflowsasadminReturns a list of dataflows for the organization.Note: The...
dataflows_getdataflowsingroupasadminReturns a list of dataflows from the specified...
dataflows_getupstreamdataflowsingroupasadminReturns a list of upstream dataflows for the specified...
datasets_deleterowsDeletes all rows from the specified table within the...
datasets_deleterowsingroupDeletes all rows from the specified table, within the...
datasets_generatetokeningroupGenerates an embed token to Embed Q&A based on the specified...
datasets_getdatasetsasadminReturns a list of datasets for the organization.Note: The...
datasets_getdatasetsingroupasadminReturns a list of datasets from the specified workspace.Note:...
datasets_getdatasettodataflowslinksingroupasadminReturns a list of upstream dataflows for datasets from the...
datasets_getdatasourcesasadminReturns a list of datasources for the specified dataset.Note:...
datasets_gettablesReturns a list of tables tables within the specified dataset...
datasets_gettablesingroupReturns a list of tables within the specified dataset from...
datasets_postdatasetCreates a new dataset on "My Workspace".Note: This API...
datasets_postdatasetingroupCreates a new dataset in the specified workspace.Note: This...
datasets_postrowsAdds new data rows to the specified table within the...
datasets_postrowsingroupAdds new data rows to the specified table, within the...
datasets_puttableUpdates the metadata and schema for the specified table...
datasets_puttableingroupUpdates the metadata and schema for the specified table,...
delete_dataflowDeletes a dataflow from the CDS for Analytics storage,...
delete_datasetDeletes the specified dataset from "My Workspace".Required...
delete_dataset_in_groupDeletes the specified dataset from the specified...
delete_datasourceDeletes the specified datasource from the specified...
delete_datasource_userRemoves the specified user from the specified...
delete_groupDeletes the specified workspace.Required scope:...
delete_reportDeletes the specified report from "My Workspace".Required...
delete_report_in_groupDeletes the specified report from the specified...
delete_user_in_groupDeletes the specified user permissions from the specified...
discover_gatewaysReturns a list of gateways which the specified dataset from...
discover_gateways_in_groupReturns a list of gateways that the specified dataset from...
export_reportExports the specified report from "My Workspace" to a .pbix...
export_report_in_groupExports the specified report from the specified workspace to...
export_to_fileExports the specified report from "My Workspace" to the...
export_to_file_in_groupExports the specified report from the specified workspace to...
generate_tokenGenerates an embed token for multiple reports, datasets and...
get_activity_eventsReturns a list of audit activity events for a tenant.Note:...
get_appReturns the specified installed app.Required scope:...
get_appsReturns a list of installed apps.Required scope:...
get_available_feature_by_nameReturns the specified available feature for user by...
get_available_featuresReturns a list of available features for the userRequired...
get_capacitiesReturns a list of capacities the user has access to.Required...
get_capacities_as_adminReturns a list of capacities for the organization.Note: The...
get_dashboardReturns the specified dashboard from the specified...
get_dashboard_in_groupReturns the specified dashboard from the specified...
get_dashboardsReturns a list of dashboards from the specified app.Required...
get_dashboards_in_groupReturns a list of dashboards from the specified...
get_dataflowExports the specified dataflow definition to a .json...
get_dataflow_data_sourcesReturns a list of datasources for the specified...
get_dataflowsReturns a list of all dataflows from the specified...
get_dataflow_storage_accountsReturns a list of dataflow storage accounts the user has...
get_datasetReturns the specified dataset from "My Workspace".Required...
get_dataset_in_groupReturns the specified dataset from the specified...
get_datasetsReturns a list of datasets from "My Workspace".Required...
get_datasets_in_groupReturns a list of datasets from the specified...
get_dataset_to_dataflows_links_in_groupReturns a list of upstream dataflows for datasets from the...
get_datasourceReturns the specified datasource from the specified...
get_datasourcesReturns a list of datasources for the specified dataset from...
get_datasources_in_groupReturns a list of datasources for the specified dataset from...
get_datasource_statusChecks the connectivity status of the specified datasource...
get_datasource_usersReturns a list of users who have access to the specified...
get_direct_query_refresh_scheduleReturns the refresh schedule of a specified DirectQuery or...
get_direct_query_refresh_schedule_in_groupReturns the refresh schedule of a specified DirectQuery or...
get_export_to_file_statusReturns the status of the Export to file job from "My...
get_export_to_file_status_in_groupReturns the status of the Export to file job from the...
get_file_of_export_to_fileReturns the file of the Export to file job of the specified...
get_file_of_export_to_file_in_groupReturns the file of the Export to file job of the specified...
get_gatewayReturns the specified gateway.Required scope:...
get_gateway_datasourcesReturns a list of gateway datasources for the specified...
get_gateway_datasources_in_groupReturns a list of gateway datasources for the specified...
get_gatewaysReturns a list of gateways for which the user is an...
get_groupsReturns a list of workspaces the user has access to.Note:...
get_group_usersReturns a list of users that have access to the specified...
get_importReturns the specified import from "My Workspace".Required...
get_import_in_groupReturns the specified import from the specified...
get_importsReturns a list of imports from "My Workspace".Required scope:...
get_imports_in_groupReturns a list of imports from the specified...
get_pageReturns the specified page within the specified report from...
get_page_in_groupReturns the specified page within the specified report from...
get_pagesReturns a list of pages within the specified report from "My...
get_pages_in_groupReturns a list of pages within the specified report from the...
get_parametersReturns a list of parameters for the specified dataset from...
get_parameters_in_groupReturns a list of parameters for the specified dataset from...
get_power_bi_encryption_keysReturns the encryption keys for the tenant.Note: The user...
get_refresh_historyReturns the refresh history of the specified dataset from "My...
get_refresh_history_in_groupReturns the refresh history of the specified dataset from the...
get_refresh_scheduleReturns the refresh schedule of the specified dataset from...
get_refresh_schedule_in_groupReturns the refresh schedule of the specified dataset from...
get_reportReturns the specified report from the specified app.Required...
get_report_in_groupReturns the specified report from the specified...
get_reportsReturns a list of reports from the specified app.Required...
get_reports_in_groupReturns a list of reports from the specified...
get_tileReturns the specified tile within the specified dashboard...
get_tile_in_groupReturns the specified tile within the specified dashboard...
get_tilesReturns a list of tiles within the specified dashboard from...
get_tiles_in_groupReturns a list of tiles within the specified dashboard from...
get_upstream_dataflows_in_groupReturns a list of upstream dataflows for the specified...
get_workloadReturns the current state of a workload and if the workload...
get_workloadsReturns the current state of the specified capacity...
groups_adduserasadminGrants user permissions to the specified workspace.Note: This...
groups_assignmyworkspacetocapacityAssigns "My Workspace" to the specified capacity.Note: To...
groups_assigntocapacityAssigns the specified workspace to the specified...
groups_assigntodataflowstorageAssigns the specified workspace to the specified dataflow...
groups_capacityassignmentstatusGets the status of the assignment to capacity operation of...
groups_capacityassignmentstatusmyworkspaceGets the status of "My Workspace" assignment to capacity...
groups_deleteuserasadminRemoves user permissions to the specified workspace.Note:...
groups_getgroupsasadminReturns a list of workspaces for the organization.Note: The...
groups_restoredeletedgroupasadminRestores a deleted workspace.Note: This API is currently...
groups_updategroupasadminUpdates the specified workspace properties.Note: This API is...
imports_getimportsasadminReturns a list of imports for the organization.Note: The user...
patch_capacity_as_adminChanges the specific capacity information. Currently, only...
patch_workloadChanges the state of a specific workload to Enabled or...
post_importCreates new content on "My Workspace" from .pbix, Excel, Rdl...
post_import_in_groupCreates new content on the specified workspace from .pbix,...
rebind_reportRebinds the specified report from "My Workspace" to the...
rebind_report_in_groupRebinds the specified report from the specified workspace to...
refresh_dataflowTriggers a refresh for the specified dataflow.Required scope:...
refresh_datasetTriggers a refresh for the specified dataset from "My...
refresh_dataset_in_groupTriggers a refresh for the specified dataset from the...
refresh_user_permissionsRefreshes user permissions in Power BI When a user is granted...
reports_generatetokenforcreateingroupGenerates an embed token to allow report creation on the...
reports_generatetokeningroupGenerates an embed token to view or edit the specified report...
reports_getreportsasadminReturns a list of reports for the organization.Note: The user...
reports_getreportsingroupasadminReturns a list of reports from the specified workspace.Note:...
rotate_power_bi_encryption_keyRotate the encryption key for Power BI workspaces assigned to...
set_all_dataset_connectionsNote: This API is deprecated and no longer supported.Updates...
set_all_dataset_connections_in_groupNote: This API is deprecated and no longer supported.Updates...
take_over_in_groupTransfers ownership over the specified dataset to the current...
tiles_generatetokeningroupGenerates an embed token to view the specified tile from the...
update_datasourceUpdates the credentials of the specified datasource from the...
update_datasourcesUpdates the datasources of the specified dataset from "My...
update_datasources_in_groupUpdates the datasources of the specified dataset from the...
update_direct_query_refresh_scheduleUpdates the refresh schedule for the specified DirectQuery or...
update_direct_query_refresh_schedule_in_groupUpdates the refresh schedule for the specified DirectQuery or...
update_group_userUpdate the specified user permissions to the specified...
update_parametersUpdates the parameters values for the specified dataset from...
update_parameters_in_groupUpdates the parameters values for the specified dataset from...
update_refresh_scheduleCreates or updates the specified dataflow refresh schedule...
update_refresh_schedule_in_groupUpdates the refresh schedule for the specified dataset from...
update_report_contentUpdates the specified report from "My Workspace" to have the...
update_report_content_in_groupUpdates the specified report from the specified workspace to...
assuncaolfi/pbr documentation built on May 12, 2020, 12:56 a.m.