Man pages for astamm/bayesr
An implementation of Bayes Space for Gaussians in R

add_bayesAddition in Bayes space
det_matrixDeterminant of a symmetric matrix
dist_bayesDistance in Bayes space
mat2vecTensor-To-Vector Representation
mean_bayesMean element in Bayes space
microstructure_distanceDistances on brain microstructure
multiply_bayesScalar multiplication in Bayes space
projectOrthogonal projection onto diffusion signal space
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rmriceMRI Noise Generator
robustness_analysisRobustness of log-Euclidean and Bayes geometries to...
vec2matVector-To-Tensor Representation
astamm/bayesr documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:05 p.m.