Man pages for astamm/nevada
Network-Valued Data Analysis

as_nvdCoercion to Network-Valued Data Object
as_vertex_partitionCoercion to Vertex Partition
distancesDistances Between Networks
dist_nvdPairwise Distance Matrix Between Two Samples of Networks
edge_count_global_variablesTransform distance matrix in edge properties of minimal...
generate_sigma_algebraSigma-Algebra generated by a Partition
inner-productsInner-Products Between Networks
mean.nvdFréchet Mean of Network-Valued Data
nevada-packagenevada: Network-Valued Data Analysis
nvdNetwork-Valued Data Constructor
nvd-plotMDS Visualization of Network Distributions
pipePipe operator
power2Power Simulations for Permutation Tests
representationsNetwork Representation Functions
repr_nvdNetwork-Valued to Matrix-Valued Data
sample2_sbmTwo-Sample Stochastic Block Model Generator
samplersGraph samplers using edge distributions
statisticsTest Statistics for Network Populations
subgraphsFull, intra and inter subgraph generators
test2_globalGlobal Two-Sample Test for Network-Valued Data
test2_localLocal Two-Sample Test for Network-Valued Data
var2_nvdFréchet Variance of Network-Valued Data from Inter-Point...
var_nvdFréchet Variance of Network-Valued Data Around a Given...
astamm/nevada documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 1:37 a.m.