Package roahd (RObust Analysis of High dimensional Data) is
an R
package meant to gather recently proposed statistical methods to deal
with the robust analysis of functional data [@Ieva2019].
The package contains an implementation of quantitative methods, based on functional depths and indices, on top of which are built some graphical methods (functional boxplot and outliergram) useful to carry out an explorative analysis of a functional dataset and to robustify it by discarding shape and magnitude outliers.
Both univariate and multivariate functional data are supported in the package, whose functions have been implemented with a particular emphasis on computational efficiency, in order to allow the processing of high-dimensional dataset.
The package has been designed to work with a representation of functional data
through dedicated, simple and handy S3
classes, namely fData
for univariate
functional data and mfData
for multivariate functional data.
The use of S3
classes is exploited by suitable S3
methods implementing the
statistical features of the package, that are able to dispatch the correct
method call depending on the class of their functional data argument.
class fData
implements a representation of univariate functional datasets.
They are obtained once specifying, for each observation in the functional
dataset, a set of measurements over a discrete grid, representing the dependent
variable indexing the functional dataset (e.g. time).
In other words, if we denote by $T = [t_0, t_1, \ldots, t_{P-1}]$ an evenly spaced
grid ($t_i - t_{i-1} = h > 0$), and imagine to deal with a dataset
$D_{i,j} = X_i(t_j)$, $\forall i = 1, \ldots, N$ and $\forall j=0, \ldots, P-1$,
the object fData
is built starting from the grid and the values in the
following way:
library( roahd ) # The number of observations in the functional dataset. N = 5 # The number of points in the 1D grid where the functional data are measured. P = 1e2 # The previous two variable names are used consistently throughout the tutorial # and the package's documentation to indicate the number of observations and the # grid size. # The grid over which the functional dataset is defined grid = seq( 0, 1, length.out = P ) # Creating the values of the functional dataset Data = matrix( c( sin( 2 * pi * grid ), cos( 2 * pi * grid ), 4 * grid * ( 1 - grid ), tan( grid ), log( grid ) ), nrow = N, ncol = P, byrow = TRUE ) # Building an fData object # The constructor takes a grid and a matrix-like structure for data values # (see help for more details on how to use the constructor) fD = fData( grid, Data ) # Inspecting the structure of an fData object str( fD ) plot( fD, main = 'Univariate FD', xlab = 'time [s]', ylab = 'values', lwd = 2 )
Thus, an object fData
is a list containing: the fields t0
, tP
, defining
the starting and end point of the one dimensional grid of the fData
the constant step size h
and the number of grid points P
and the field
defining the measurements of the dataset over the one dimensional grid.
An mfData
object, instead, implements a multivariate functional dataset, i.e.
a collection of functions having more than one components, each one depending on
the same variable.
In practice, we deal with a discrete grid $[t_0, t_1, \ldots, t_{P-1}]$ and a
dataset of $N$ elements, each one having $L$ components observed over the same
discrete grid: $D_{i,j,k} = X_{i,k}(t_{j})$, $\forall i = 1, \ldots, N$, $\forall
j = 0, \ldots, P - 1$ and $\forall k = 1, \ldots, L$.
# Creating some values for first component of the dataset Data_1 = t( sapply( runif( 10, 0, 4 ), function( phase ) sin( 2 * pi * grid + phase ) ) ) # Creating some values of functions for Data_2 = t( sapply( runif( 10, 0, 4 ), function( phase ) log( grid + phase ) ) ) # Building an fData object # The constructor takes a grid and a list of matrix-like structures for data values, # each one representing the data values of a single component of the dataset # (i.e. D_{,,k}, k = 1, ... L ). # (see help for more details on how to use the constructor) mfD = mfData( grid, list( Data_1, Data_2 ) ) str( mfD ) # Each component of the mfData object is an fData object sapply( mfD$fDList, class ) plot( mfD, lwd = 2, main = 'Multivariate FD', xlab = 'time', ylab = list( 'Values 1', 'Values 2' ))
The fact that mfData
components are fData
objects is indeed conceptually
very natural, but also allows for a seamless application of S3
methods meant
for fData
on multivariate functional data components, making the exploration
and manipulation of multivariate datasets rather easy:
plot( mfD$fDList[[ 1 ]], main = 'First component', xlab = 'time', ylab = 'Values', lwd = 2 )
Moreover, mfData
objects can be obtained also from a set of homogeneous
objects, i.e. of equal sample size and defined on the same grid:
fD_1 = fData( grid, Data_1 ) fD_2 = fData( grid, Data_2 ) mfD = as.mfData( list( fD_1, fD_2 ) ) mfD = as.mfData( lapply( 1 : 10, function( i )( fD_1 ) ) )
objects can be subset using a suitably overloaded operator [.fData
that allows for the use of standard slices of matrix
and array
classes also
for fData
# Subsetting fData and returning result in matrix form fD[ 1 , 1, as_fData = FALSE ] fD[ 1, , as_fData = FALSE ] fD[ 2, 10 : 20, as_fData = FALSE ] fD[ , 10, as_fData = FALSE ] # As default behavior the subset is returned in fData form oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(fD, main = "Original dataset", lwd = 2) plot(fD[, 1:20], main = "Zooming in", lwd = 2) par(oldpar)
An algebra of fData
objects is also implemented, making it easy to sum,
subtract, multiply and divide these objects by meaningful and compliant
Sums and subtractions, available through +
and -
operators (see help at
), allow to sum an fData
on the left hand side and a compliant
structure on the right hand side. This can be either another fData
of the same
sample size and defined over the same grid, or a 1D/2D data structure with a
number of columns equal fData
's grid length (i.e. P
), and number of rows
equal to fData
's sample size (i.e. N
) or equal to one (in this case the only
observation available is recycled N
times). The operations are then performed
element-wise between the lhs and rhs.
fD + fD fD + matrix( 1, nrow = N, ncol = P ) fD + array( 2, dim = c( N, P ) ) fD + 1 : P
Multiplication and division, instead, is implemented only for an fData
left hand side and a numeric variable or numeric vector right hand side. In the
first case, each function in the functional dataset is multiplied/divided by the
specified quantity; in the second case, specifying a vector of length N
, the
multiplication/division of each functional observation is carried out by the
corresponding quantity in the vector, in an element-wise way:
fD * 2 fD / 3 fD * ( 1 : N ) fD / ( 1 : N )
and mfData
objects can be visualized thanks to specific S3
methods, plot.fData
and plot.mfData
The graphical parameters of these functions have been suitably customized in order to enhance the visualization of functions. In particular, elements are plotted by default with continuous lines and an ad-hoc palette that helps differentiating them. As default x- and y-axis labels, as well as titles, are dropped so that plot's arguments calls are not displayed when no value is provided.
In case of mfData
the graphical window is split into a rectangular lattice to
plot single dimensions. The rectangular frame has floor( sqrt( L ) )
rows and
ceiling( x$L / floor( sqrt( x$L ) ) )
columns. If custom labels/titles are
desired, they must be provided in the following way: since the grid is the same
for all the dimensions, just one string is expected for x-axis
(e.g. xlab = 'grid'
), while either a single string or a list of L
(one for each dimension) is expected for both the y-axis label(s) and title(s).
In case just one string is passed to plot.mfData
, the same value is used for
all the dimensions.
provides a number of depth definitions, that are exploited by the
visualization functions but can also be used by themselves. These are based on
the notion of Band Depth [@lopezpintado_romo_2007; @lopezpintado_romo_2009].
Band Depth and Modified Band Depth are implemented in the functions
and MBD
. Both of them can work with either an fData
object, specifying
the univariate functional dataset whose depths must be computed, or a matrix of
data values (e.g. in the form of fData$values
can be called with the additional parameters manage_ties
(defaulting to
), specifying whether a check for the presence of tied data must be made
prior to computing depths, and therefore a suitable computing strategy must
be used.
The implementation of MBD
exploits the recommendations of [@Sun_Genton_2012],
but extends them in order to accommodate for the possible presence of ties.
BD( fD ) BD( fD$values ) MBD( fD ) MBD( fD$values ) MBD( fD, manage_ties = TRUE ) MBD( fD$values, manage_ties = TRUE )
Another definition available is the Half Region Depth (along with its modified version), that is built on top of the Epigraph and Hypograph indexes [ see @lopezpintado_romo_2011]:
HRD( fD ) HRD( fD$values ) MHRD( fD ) MHRD( fD$values )
A generalization of MBD to multivariate functional data, implementing the ideas
of @ieva_paganoni_2013, is also available through the functions multiBD
. These functions accept either a mfData
object, specifying the
multivariate functional dataset whose depths have to be computed, or a list of
matrices of data values (see example below).
The function computes the BD or MBD for each component of the multivariate
functional dataset and then averages them according to a set of weights.
These can be specified in two ways: either with the flag uniform
, that is
turned into rep( 1/L, L )
(where L
stands for the number of components in
the multivariate dataset), or by providing the actual set of weights to be
used. The latter option allows to use ad-hoc set of weights, like in
multiBD( mfD, weights = 'uniform' ) multiMBD( mfD, weights = 'uniform', manage_ties = FALSE ) multiBD( mfD, weights = c( 0.6, 0.4) ) multiMBD( mfD, weights = c( 0.7, 0.3 ), manage_ties = FALSE ) multiBD( list( fD_1$values, fD_2$values ), weights = c( 0.6, 0.4) ) multiMBD( list( fD_1$values, fD_2$values ), weights = c( 0.7, 0.3 ), manage_ties = FALSE )
Suitable S3
extensions to the functions for the computation of mean function
and median of functional datasets are also present.
The sample mean of a functional dataset coincides with the cross-sectional mean function, i.e. the function obtained by computing the mean across the whole dataset point-by-point along the grid where functional data are defined:
$$ \widehat{\mu}( t_j ) = \dfrac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} X_i(t_j), \qquad \forall j = 0, \ldots, P-1 $$
for a univariate functional dataset, while in the multivariate case is:
$$ \widehat{\mu}k(t_j) = \dfrac{1}{N} \sum{i=1}^{N} X_{i,k}(t_j), \qquad \forall j = 0, \ldots, P-1, \qquad \forall k = 1, \ldots, L. $$
The sample median of a functional dataset, instead, is defined as the element of the functional dataset fulfilling the maximum depths, given a certain definition of depth. For instance, for MBD:
$$ \widehat{m}( t_j ) = \left(\text{arg}\max_{i=1, \ldots, N} MBD( X_i )\right)( t_j), \qquad j = 0, \ldots, P-1. $$
The sample mean is implemented in the S3
methods mean.fData( x, ... )
mean.mfData( x, ... )
, that can be invoked directly on fData
and mfData
objects. These methods can be called directly without the .fData
or .mfData
suffix, due to their S3
nature and call, that allows them to be dispatched
from the standard mean
The sample median, instead, is implemented in the functions
median_fData( fData, type = 'MBD', ... )
median_mfData( mfData, type = 'multiMBD', ... )
. Here, the type
flag can take
any name of functions (available in the caller's environment) that can be used to
compute the depths defining the sample median, taking respectively a 2D matrix of
data values and a list of 2D matrix of data values as argument (plus, optionally,
the dots arguments).
# Exploiting the S3 nature of these functions and the dispatching from the # standard `mean` function mean( fD ) mean( mfD) median_fData( fD, type = 'MBD' ) median_fData( fD, type = 'MHRD' ) oldpar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(fD, main = "Mean", lwd = 2) plot(mean(fD), add = TRUE, lwd = 2, col = "black", lty = 2) plot(fD, main = "Median", lwd = 2) plot(median_fData(fD, type = "MBD"), add = TRUE, lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "black") par(oldpar)
The computation of covariance functions and cross-covariance functions for
univariate and multivariate functional datasets is provided through the function
cov_fun( X, Y = NULL )
Given a univariate functional dataset, $X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_N$, defined over the grid $[t_0, t_1, \ldots, t_P] \subset I$, its covariance function (evaluated over the grid) is $C(t_i,t_j) = Cov(X(t_i),X(t_j))$ for $i,j=1,\ldots,P$. Given another univariate functional dataset $Y_1, Y_2, \ldots, Y_N$, the cross-covariance function is $C_{X,Y}(t_i,t_j) = Cov(X(t_i),Y(t_j))$.
Given a multivariate functional dataset with observations of $L$ components, $X_1, X_2,\ldots, X_N$, the covariance function has the following block structure: $C^{k,l} = [ Cov(X_k(t_i),X_l(t_j))]_{i,j=1}^{P}$, for $k,l = 1, \ldots, L$. Of course, it is $C^{k,l} = [C^{l,k}]^T$. Analogously, the cross-covariance between two multivariate datasets is given by the cross covariances of the components.
When X
is a univariate functional dataset, and if Y
, cov_fun
returns the sample covariance function of the functional
dataset, defined over the tensorized grid where X
is defined.
If Y
is a univariate functional dataset (in form of fData
object), the method
returns the cross-covariance function of X
and Y
When X
is a multivariate dataset, Y
can be NULL
, an fData
or a mfData
object. In the first case the method returns the covariance function of X
, in form of
a list of only the upper-triangular blocks. The blocks are sorted in the list by row,
therefore the first is the covariance of the first component, then the cross-covariance
of the first component with the second, etc. In the second case, the method returns the
list of cross-covariances between X
's components and Y
. In the third case,
the method returns the list of upper-triangular blocks of cross-covariances
between X
's and Y
's components.
# Simple covariance function C1 = cov_fun( fD ) # Cross-covariance function of first and second component of mfD CC = cov_fun( mfD$fDList[[1]], mfD$fDList[[2]] ) # Block-covariance function of mfD BC = cov_fun( mfD )
Each covariance function estimate (the elements of the list in the multivariate
case, too) is returned as an instance of the S3
class Cov
, that stores the
values of the covariance matrix as well as the grid parameters.
, an S3
specialization of plot
is available as plotting method for
objects. It is built around graphics::image
, hence all the additional
parameters of image
can be used to customize it.
plot( C1, main = 'Covariance function', xlab = 'time', ylab = 'time' )
collects the implementation of some useful indexes that can be used to
describe and summarize functional datasets.
and MEI
implement the Epigraph Index and the Modified Epigraph Index,
while HI
and MHI
implement the Hypograph Index and the Modified Hypograph Index
[see @lopezpintado_romo_2011; @arribasgil_romo_2014].
These indexes can be used to sort data in a top-down and bottom-up
fashion, and are used to define the HRD/MHRD and to build the outliergram.
These S3
methods can be called on univariate functional datasets, provided
either in form of a fData
object or a 2D matrix of values.
# Calling on fData objects EI( fD ) MEI( fD ) HI( fD ) MHI( fD ) # Calling on 2D matrix type objects EI( fD$values ) EI( matrix( rnorm( 20 ), nrow = 4, ncol = 5 ) )
When dealing with multivariate functional data, in particular in case of bivariate data, it is possible to compute correlation coefficients between data components that generalize the Kendall's tau and Spearman's coefficients [@kendall_2015; @spearman_2015].
The function cor_kendall( mfD, ordering = 'max' )
allows to compute the
Kendall's tau correlation coefficient between components of a bivariate dataset.
The function accepts a mfData
object and a criterion to perform the ordering
of functional data (this ordering is used to determine the concordances and
discordances between pairs in the definition of the coefficient).
Two criteria are available so far, that directly reflect those proposed in the
reference paper: max
, for the ordering between maxima of functions,
and area
, for the ordering between area-under-the-curve of functions.
N = 10 P = 1e3 grid = seq( 0, 1, length.out = P ) Data_1 = t( sapply( 1 : N, function( i )( sin( 2 * pi * grid ) + i ) ) ) # Monotone nonlinear transformation of data Data_2 = Data_1^3 mfD = mfData( grid, list( Data_1, Data_2 ) ) plot( mfD, main = list( 'Comp. 1', 'Comp. 2') ) # Kendall correlation of monotonically dependent data is exactly 1 cor_kendall( mfD, ordering = 'max' ) cor_kendall( mfD, ordering = 'area' )
The function cor_spearman( mfD, ordering = 'MEI', ... )
can be used to compute
the Spearman correlation coefficient for a bivariate mfData
object, tuning the
ordering policy specified by ordering
(defaulting to MEI
) to rank univariate
components and then compute the correlation coefficient. Besides MEI
, also MHI
can be used to rank univariate components.
# Spearman correlation of monotonically dependent data is exactly 1 cor_spearman( mfD, ordering = 'MEI' ) cor_spearman( mfD, ordering = 'MHI' )
contains also some functions that can be used to simulate artificial data
sets of functional data, both univariate and multivariate. These are used in the
adjustment procedure of the outliergram and functional boxplot, but can also be
used to help the development of new methodologies and help their testing.
Artificial univariate data are obtained simulating realizations of a gaussian process over a discrete grid with a specific covariance function and center (e.g. mean or median). Given a covariance function, $C(s,t)$ and a centerline $m(t)$, the model generating data is: $$X_i(t) = m(t) + \epsilon(t), \quad Cov(\epsilon(s),\epsilon(t)) = C(s,t), \quad i = 1, \ldots, N.$$
The function generate_gauss_fdata(N, centerline, Cov = NULL, CholCov = NULL)
can be used to simulate a population of such gaussian functional data.
The required arguments are: N
the number of elements to be generated;
, the center of the distribution (mean or median); Cov
, a matrix
representation of the desired covariance function, intended as the measurements
of such function over a tensor grid whose marginal must be the grid where the
functional data will be defined (i.e. the argument grid
in fData
the Cholesky factor of the discrete representation of the covariance
function over the tensor grid (optional and alternative to the argument Cov
The inner procedure to generate the synthetic population of gaussian functional
data makes use of the Cholesky factor of Cov
, hence by providing its Cholesky
factor, if already present in the caller's scope, can save computing time.
A built-in function can be used to generate exponential-like covariance functions,
namely exp_cov_function( grid, alpha, beta )
, generating the discretized
version of a covariance of the form $C(s,t) = \alpha e^{-\beta | s - t | }$
over a lattice given by the tensorization of grid in grid
A comprehensive example is the following:
N = 50 P = 1e3 grid = seq( 0, 1, length.out = P ) Cov = exp_cov_function( grid, alpha = 0.2, beta = 0.3 ) Data = generate_gauss_fdata( N, centerline = sin( 2 * pi * grid ), Cov = Cov ) fD = fData( grid, Data ) plot( fD, main = 'Gaussian fData', xlab = 'grid', lwd = 2)
The function generate_gauss_mfdata( N, L, centerline, correlations, listCov = NULL, listCholCov = NULL)
can be used to generate a gaussian dataset of multivariate functional
data. The model generating data is the following:
$$ X_{i,k} = m_k(t) + \epsilon_k(t), \quad Cov(\epsilon_k(s),\epsilon_k(t))=C(s,t), \quad \forall i = 1, \ldots, N, \quad \forall k = 1, \ldots, L,$$
where $Cor( \epsilon_j(t),\epsilon_l(t))=\rho_{j,l}$ specifies a (synchronous) correlation structure among the components of the functional dataset.
In order to use the function one should provide: N
, the number of elements to
simulate; L
, the number of components of the multivariate functional data;
, a matrix containing (by rows) the centerline for each component;
, a vector of length 1/2 * L * ( L - 1 )
, containing all the
correlation coefficients among the components; either listCov
, a list containing either the discretized covariance functions
over the tensorized grid where functional data will be defined), or their
Cholesky factor.
A comprehensive example is the following:
N = 10 P = 1e3 grid = seq( 0, 1, length.out = P ) Cov_1 = exp_cov_function( grid, alpha = 0.1, beta = 0.5 ) Cov_2 = exp_cov_function( grid, alpha = 0.5, beta = 0.1) centerline = matrix( c( sin( 2 * pi * grid ), cos( 2 * pi * grid ) ), nrow = 2, byrow = TRUE ) Data = generate_gauss_mfdata( N, 2, centerline, 0.8, list( Cov, Cov ) ) mfD = mfData( grid, Data ) plot( mfD, main = list( 'Comp.1', 'Comp. 2'), xlab = 'grid', lwd = 2)
An implementation of the functional boxplot, through the S3
method fbplot
allows for the detection of amplitude outliers in univariate and multivariate
functional datasets [see @Sun_Genton_2011].
can be used to compute the set of indices of observations marking
outlying signals. If used in graphical way (default behavior), it also
plots the functional boxplot of the dataset under study
The functional boxplot is obtained by ranking functions from the center of the
distribution outwards thanks to a depth definition, computing the region of 50%
most central functions and inflating such region by a factor F
. Any
function crossing these boundaries is flagged as outlier. The default value for
is 1.5
, otherwise it can be set with the argument Fvalue
The argument Depths
can take either the name of the function to call in order
to compute the depths (default is MBD
), or a vector containing the depth
values for the provided dataset.
An example is:
set.seed(1618) N = 1e2 P = 1e2 grid = seq( 0, 1, length.out = P ) Cov = exp_cov_function( grid, alpha = 0.2, beta = 0.3 ) Data = generate_gauss_fdata( N, sin( 2 * pi * grid ), Cov ) fD = fData( grid, Data ) Data = generate_gauss_mfdata( N, 2, matrix( sin( 2 * pi * grid ), nrow = 2, ncol = P, byrow = TRUE ), 0.6, listCov = list( Cov, Cov ) ) mfD = mfData( grid, Data ) fbplot( fD, main = 'Fbplot', Fvalue = 3.5 ) fbplot( mfD, main = list( 'Comp. 1', 'Comp. 2' ), Fvalue = 3.5 )
The method fboplot.fData
also allows to automatically compute the best
adjustment factor F
that yields a desired proportion of outliers
(True Positive Rate, TPR
) out of a Gaussian dataset with same center and
covariance function as the fData
object [see @Sun_Genton_2012_boxplot].
Such automatic tuning involves the simulation of a number N_trials
populations of Gaussian functional data with same center and covariance as the
original dataset (the covariance is robustly estimated with robustbase::covOGK
of size trial_size
, and the computation of N_trials
values for Fvalue
such that the desired proportion TPR
of observations is flagged as outliers.
The optimal value of Fvalue
for the original population is then found as the
average of the previously computed values Fvalue
The computation of the optimal Fvalue
at each iteration of the procedure is
carried out exploiting the zero-finding algorithm in stats::uniroot
The parameters to control the adjustment procedure can be passed through the
argument adjust
, whose default is FALSE
and otherwise is a list with
(some of) the fields:
: the number of repetitions of the adjustment procedure based on
the simulation of a gaussian population of functional data, each one producing
an adjusted value of F, which will lead to the averaged adjusted value Fvalue
Default is 20;trial_size
: the number of elements in the gaussian population of functional
data that will be simulated at each repetition of the adjustment procedure.
Default is 8 * Data$N
: the True Positive Rate of outliers, i.e. the proportion of observations
in a dataset without amplitude outliers that have to be considered outliers.
Default is 2 * pnorm( 4 * qnorm( 0.25 ) )
: the minimum value of Fvalue
, defining the left boundary for the
optimization problem aimed at finding, for a given dataset of simulated gaussian
data associated to Data, the optimal value of Fvalue
. Default is 0.5
: the maximum value of Fvalue
, defining the right boundary for the
optimization problem aimed at finding, for a given dataset of simulated gaussian
data associated to Data, the optimal value of Fvalue
. Default is 5
: the tolerance to be used in the optimization problem aimed at finding,
for a given dataset of simulated gaussian data associated to Data, the optimal
value of Fvalue
. Default is 1e-3
: the maximum number of iterations to solve the optimization problem
aimed at finding, for a given dataset of simulated gaussian data associated to
, the optimal value of Fvalue
. Default is 100
: a parameter controlling the verbosity of the adjustment process;Suggestion: Try and select a sufficiently high value for adjust$trial_size
in fact too small values (the default is 8 * adjust$N
) will result in the impossibility to carry out the optimization since the TPR percentage is too small
compared to the sample size.
fbplot( fD, adjust = list( N_trials = 20, trial_size = N, TPR = 0.007, F_min = 0.1, F_max = 20 ), xlab = 'grid', ylab = 'values', main = 'Adjusted functional boxplot' )
A method that can be used to detect shape outliers is the outliergram [see @arribasgil_romo_2014], based on the computation of MBD and MEI of univariate functional data. Such pairs are compared to a limiting parabola, where they should be placed in case of non-crossing data, and outliers are then identified applying a thresholding rule.
The function outliergram
displays the outliergram of a univariate functional
dataset of class fData
, and returns a vector of IDs indicating the shape
outlying observations in the dataset.
set.seed( 1618 ) N = 100 P = 200 N_extra = 4 grid = seq( 0, 1, length.out = P ) Cov = exp_cov_function( grid, alpha = 0.2, beta = 0.5 ) Data = generate_gauss_fdata( N, sin( 4 * pi * grid ), Cov ) Data_extra = array( 0, dim = c( N_extra, P ) ) Data_extra[ 1, ] = generate_gauss_fdata( 1, sin( 4 * pi * grid + pi / 2 ), Cov ) Data_extra[ 2, ] = generate_gauss_fdata( 1, sin( 4 * pi * grid - pi / 2 ), Cov ) Data_extra[ 3, ] = generate_gauss_fdata( 1, sin( 4 * pi * grid + pi/ 3 ), Cov ) Data_extra[ 4, ] = generate_gauss_fdata( 1, sin( 4 * pi * grid - pi / 3), Cov ) fD = fData( grid, rbind( Data, Data_extra ) ) outliergram( fD, display = TRUE ) outliergram( fD, Fvalue = 5, display = TRUE )
Similarly to the functional boxplot, also the outliergram makes use of an Fvalue
constant controlling the check by which observations are flagged as outliers
[see @arribasgil_romo_2014 for more details]. Such value can be provided as an
argument (default is 1.5
), or can be determined by the function itself, through
an adjustment procedure similar to that of fbplot.fData
. In particular, whenever
is not FALSE
, adjust
should be a list containing the fields
controlling the adjustment:
the number of repetitions of the adjustment
procedure based on the simulation of a gaussian population of functional
data, each one producing an adjusted value of Fvalue
, which will lead
to the averaged adjusted value. Default is 20
the number of elements in the gaussian
population of functional data that will be simulated at each repetition of
the adjustment procedure. Default is 5 * fData$N
the True Positive Rate of outliers, i.e. the proportion
of observations in a dataset without shape outliers that have to be considered
outliers. Default is 2 * pnorm( 4 * qnorm( 0.25 ) )
the minimum value of Fvalue
, defining the left
boundary for the optimization problem aimed at finding, for a given dataset
of simulated gaussian data associated to fData
, the optimal value of
. Default is 0.5
the maximum value of Fvalue
, defining the right
boundary for the optimization problem aimed at finding, for a given dataset
of simulated gaussian data associated to fData
, the optimal value of
. Default is 20
the tolerance to be used in the optimization problem
aimed at finding, for a given dataset of simulated gaussian data associated
to fData
, the optimal value of Fvalue
. Default is 1e-3
the maximum number of iterations to solve the
optimization problem aimed at finding, for a given dataset of simulated
gaussian data associated to fData
, the optimal value of Fvalue
Default is 100
a parameter controlling the verbosity of the
adjustment process;outliergram( fD, adjust = list( N_trials = 5, trial_size = 5 * nrow( Data ), TPR = 0.01, VERBOSE = FALSE ), display = TRUE )
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