ms_erase: Remove features or portions of features that fall inside a...

View source: R/clip_erase.R

ms_eraseR Documentation

Remove features or portions of features that fall inside a specified area


Removes portions of the target layer that fall inside the erasing layer or bounding box.


ms_erase(target, erase = NULL, bbox = NULL, remove_slivers = FALSE, ...)



the target layer from which to remove portions. One of:

  • geo_json or character points, lines, or polygons;

  • SpatialPolygons, SpatialLines, SpatialPoints


the erase layer (polygon). One of:

  • geo_json or character polygons;

  • SpatialPolygons*


supply a bounding box instead of an erasing layer to remove from the target layer. Supply as a numeric vector: c(minX, minY, maxX, maxY).


Remove tiny sliver polygons created by erasing. (Default FALSE)


Arguments passed on to apply_mapshaper_commands


should the output be forced to be a FeatureCollection (or sf object or Spatial*DataFrame) even if there are no attributes? Default TRUE. If FALSE and there are no attributes associated with the geometries, a GeometryCollection (or Spatial object with no dataframe, or sfc) will be output.


Should the system mapshaper be used instead of the bundled mapshaper? Gives better performance on large files. Requires the mapshaper node package to be installed and on the PATH.


How much memory (in GB) should be allocated if using the system mapshaper (sys = TRUE)? Default 8. Ignored if sys = FALSE. This can also be set globally with the option "mapshaper.sys_mem"


If sys = TRUE, should the mapshaper messages be silenced? Default FALSE. This can also be set globally with the option "mapshaper.sys_quiet"


Generate output that is consistent with the pre-RFC 7946 GeoJSON spec (dating to 2008). Polygon rings are CW and holes are CCW, which is the opposite of the default RFC 7946-compatible output. This should be rarely needed, though may be useful when preparing data for D3-based data visualizations (such as plotly::plot_ly()). Default FALSE


erased target in the same format as the input target


if (rmapshaper:::v8_version() >= "6") {
  library(geojsonsf, quietly = TRUE)

  points <- structure("{\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\",
    class = c("geojson", "json"))
  points <- geojson_sf(points)

  erase_poly <- structure('{
  "type": "Feature",
  "properties": {},
  "geometry": {
  "type": "Polygon",
  "coordinates": [
  [51, -40],
  [55, -40],
  [55, -45],
  [51, -45],
  [51, -40]
  }', class = c("geojson", "json"))
  erase_poly <- geojson_sf(erase_poly)

  out <- ms_erase(points, erase_poly)
  plot(out, add = TRUE)

ateucher/rmapshaper documentation built on July 8, 2024, 7:13 p.m.