
#' Score an LTN formed by blocking one street segment between two adjacent
#' neighbourhoods.
#' @param nbs Output of main \link{neighbourhoods} function.
#' @param index Index into rows of `nbs$nbs` specifying which pairs of adjacent
#' neighbourhoods are to be scored.
#' @param dmax Maximal distance in metres around neighbourhood to use to
#' generate scores.
#' @return Modified version of `nbs$nbs` from input parameter, reduced to only
#' those neighbour pairs specified in `index`, and with additional column,
#' `pop_decr_in` and `pop_incr_out` specifying absolute decreases within
#' and increases surrounding proposed LTN.
ltn_score <- function (nbs, index, dmax = 10000) {

    scores <- pbapply::pblapply (index, function (i) cut_nbs (nbs, i, dmax = dmax))
    scores <- data.frame (do.call (rbind, scores))

    cbind (nbs$nbs [index, ], scores)

#' Train a prediction model to score LTNs from a sample of size, `n`.
#' @inheritParams ltn_score
#' @param n Size of sample to use in training and predicting data sets.
#' @return A trained model which can be used to predict additional LTN scores.
#' @export
ltn_train <- function (nbs, n = 100, dmax = 10000) {

    index <- sample (nrow (nbs$nbs), size = 100)

    dat <- ltn_score (nbs, index)
    dat$score <- (dat$pop_decr_in - dat$pop_incr_out) /
        (dat$pop_decr_in + dat$pop_incr_out)

    dat <- convert_nbs_df (dat)

    model <- caret::train(score ~ d_in + d_out + centr_mn_in +
                          centr_mn_out + area + popdens,
               data = dat,
               method = "rf",
               trControl = caret::trainControl (method = "cv", number = 5))

    return (model)

convert_nbs_df <- function (dat) {

    dat$area <- as.numeric (dat$area_from + dat$area_to)
    dat$popdens <- dat$popdens_from - dat$popdens_to

    vars <- c ("score", "d_in", "d_out", "centr_mn_in",
               "centr_mn_out", "area", "popdens",
    dat <- na.omit (dat [, names (dat) %in% vars])

    return (dat)
atfutures-labs/LTN documentation built on Jan. 6, 2022, 4:11 p.m.