
#' Find candidate low-traffic-neighbourhoods in an input street network.
#' @param network Street network in \pkg{silicate} `sc` format, extracted with
#' \pkg{dodgr} function, `dodgr_streetnet_sc`.
#' @param popdens Path to local population density file covering region of street
#' network, and in `geotiff` format.
#' @return A `data.frame` of candidate low-traffic neighbourhoods.
#' @export
neighbourhoods <- function (network, popdens) {

    cli::cli_h1 ("neighbourhoods")

    dodgr::dodgr_cache_off ()

    net <- dodgr::weight_streetnet (network, wt_profile = "motorcar")
    cli::cli_alert_success ("[1 / 9]: Weighted network for routing")
    net <- net [net$component == 1, ]
    net$flow <- 1
    netc <- dodgr::dodgr_contract_graph (net)
    cli::cli_alert_success ("[2 / 9]: Calculated contracted network")
    netc$flow <- 1

    netc <- dodgr::dodgr_centrality (netc, contract = FALSE)
    cli::cli_alert_success ("[3 / 9]: Calculated network centrality")
    net <- dodgr::dodgr_uncontract_graph (netc) # adds centrality to original graph
    x <- dodgr::merge_directed_graph (netc)

    paths <- network_cycles (x) # 2-3 s
    cli::cli_alert_success ("[4 / 9]: Extracted network cycles")
    nbs <- adjacent_cycles (paths) # 1-2 s
    cli::cli_alert_success ("[5 / 9]: Identified adjacent cycles")

    nbs <- nbs_add_data (nbs, paths, net, netc, popdens)

    path_edges <- nbs$path_edges
    nbs <- nbs$nbs

    # remove zero centr_in rows:
    nbs <- nbs [which (nbs$centr_mn_in > 0), ]
    # and trim down to only certain types of highway
    nbs <- nbs [-grep ("^primary|^trunk|^service", nbs$hw_shared), ]
    # then remove any where from or to are lower roads than shared:
    hw_seq <- c ("living_street", "unclassified", "residential",
                 "tertiary", "tertiary_link",
                 "secondary", "secondary_link",
                 "primary", "primary_link",
                 "service", "trunk", "trunk_link", "motorway")
    hw_seq <- data.frame (shared = match (nbs$hw_shared, hw_seq),
                          from = match (nbs$hw_from, hw_seq),
                          to = match (nbs$hw_to, hw_seq))
    nbs <- nbs [which (hw_seq$shared < hw_seq$from &
                       hw_seq$shared < hw_seq$to), ]

    # Finally add an estimate of the effect based on global centrality scores:
    centr_scale <- max (c (nbs$centr_mn_in, nbs$centr_mn_out))
    pop <- as.numeric ((nbs$area_from + nbs$area_to) *
                       (nbs$popdens_from + nbs$popdens_to) / 1e6)
    centr_in <- nbs$d_in * pop * nbs$centr_mn_in / centr_scale
    centr_out <- nbs$d_out * pop * nbs$centr_mn_out / centr_scale
    nbs$effect_estimated <- (centr_in - centr_out) / (centr_in + centr_out)

    return (list (network = net,
                  edges = path_edges,
                  nbs = nbs))
atfutures-labs/LTN documentation built on Jan. 6, 2022, 4:11 p.m.