
Defines functions id_to_var id_to_ds

#' id to dataset
#' @param id vector of id's
#' @return vector of datasets
#' @noRd
id_to_ds <- function(id) {
   id %>% str_extract("(?<=^IT\\.)[:alnum:]+(?=\\..*)")

#' id to variable
#' @param id vector of id's
#' @param ds vector of ds's
#' @return vector of variable names
#' @noRd
id_to_var <- function(id) {
   ds <- id %>% str_extract("(?<=^IT\\.)[:alnum:]+(?=\\..*)")
   extract <- if_else(is.na(ds), "(?<=^IT\\.)[:alnum:]*",
                      str_c("(?<=^IT\\.", ds, "\\.)[:alnum:]*")
   id %>%
atorus-research/metacore documentation built on May 7, 2024, 6:38 a.m.