  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"
# climwin_butterfly.R: 
#  Script to perform custom climate window analysis with
#  the Roland and Matter butterfly data.
# Author:
#  Andrew Tredennick (

# Clean the workspace -----------------------------------------------------

rm(list = ls(all.names = TRUE))

# Load packages -----------------------------------------------------------


# Load data and reformat --------------------------------------------------

month_nums <- as.tibble(tolower(
colnames(month_nums) <- "month"
month_nums$num <- 1:12

butterfly_dated <- butterfly %>%
  select(-Nt, -logNt) %>% # drop abundance variables
  select(-maxsnow, -Datesnowmelt, -aprraintmn1, 
         -mayraintmn1, -junraintmn1, -julraintmn1, 
         -augraintmn1, -sumraint, -sumraintmn1) %>% # drop non-dated variables
  gather(covariate, value, -year, -meada, -Rt) %>%
    month = substr(covariate, 1, 3),
    covariate = substr(covariate, 4, nchar(covariate))
    ) %>%
  left_join(month_nums, by = "month") %>%
  mutate(date = ymd(paste0(as.character(year),month,"-01"))) %>%
  select(-year, -month, -num) %>%
  filter(year(date) < 2014) %>%
  spread(covariate, value)

# Set up climwin function --------------------------------------------------

do_butterfly_climwin <- function(dated_df, variable){

  covariates <- dated_df %>%
    select(date,meada,eval(variable)) %>%
    group_by(date) %>%
    summarise_at(variable, mean) # this is just mean over the subpops

  covariate <- covariates %>%
    pull(variable) %>%
    scale() %>%

  covariate_dates <- covariates %>%

  responses <- dated_df %>%
    select(date, meada, Rt) %>%
    filter(year(date) > 1996) %>% # drop first two years so we can back one year
    filter(month(date) == 06) # just keep this arbitrary date as the obs day

  observation_dates <- responses %>%

  response_mat <- responses %>%
    select(Rt, meada)

  # Perform manual climate window analysis ----------------------------------

  refday <- c(01, 06) # arbitray reference day of June 1 each year
  range <- c(12, 0) # go back 12 months, end at 0 months (e.g., obs month)

  month_starts <- seq(range[1],range[2])
  month_ends <- month_starts
  all_month_start_ends <- expand.grid(close = month_ends, open = month_starts)

  # Can't have windows that start after they end
  impossibles <- which(all_month_start_ends$open < all_month_start_ends$close)
  all_open_close <- all_month_start_ends[-impossibles,] # now a 1/2 matrix

  aic_table <- {}
  for(dowin in 1:nrow(all_open_close)){
    tmp_dates1 <- observation_dates # for opening months
    tmp_dates2 <- observation_dates # for closing months
    opener <- all_open_close[dowin, "open"]
    closer <- all_open_close[dowin, "close"]

    ##  Subtract opener months
    month(tmp_dates1) <- month(tmp_dates1) - opener
    open_dates <- tmp_dates1

    ##  Subtract closer months
    month(tmp_dates2) <- month(tmp_dates2) - closer
    close_dates <- tmp_dates2

    ##  Collate new vector of mean covariate over the window
    xvar <- numeric(length(open_dates))
    for(idur in 1:length(open_dates)){
      startit <- which(covariate_dates == open_dates[idur])
      stopit <- which(covariate_dates == close_dates[idur])
      xvar[idur] <- mean(covariate[startit:stopit])

    ## Set up data frame for GLMM
    model_df <- data.frame(Rt = response_mat$Rt,
                           meada = response_mat$meada,
                           x = xvar)

    ## Fit the GLMM
    tmp_mod <- lmer(Rt ~ x + (1|meada), data = model_df)
    tmp_aic <- data.frame(open = all_open_close[dowin,"open"],
                          close = all_open_close[dowin, "close"],
                          AIC = AIC(tmp_mod))
    aic_table <- rbind(aic_table, tmp_aic)

  null_model <- lmer(Rt ~ (1|meada), data = model_df)
  null_AIC <- AIC(null_model)

  delta_aic_table <- aic_table %>% 
      delta_to_null = AIC - null_AIC


# Perform climwin for two variables ---------------------------------------

extmax_aics <- do_butterfly_climwin(butterfly_dated, variable = "extmax")
extmin_aics <- do_butterfly_climwin(butterfly_dated, variable = "extmin")

# Calculate DeltaAICs -----------------------------------------------------

aicc_best_extmax <- extmax_aics %>% 
  filter(delta_to_null == min(delta_to_null))

aicc_best_extmin <- extmin_aics %>% 
  filter(delta_to_null == min(delta_to_null))

# Plot the DeltaAIC surfaces ----------------------------------------------

extmax_plot <- ggplot(extmax_aics, aes(x = close, y = open, fill = delta_to_null))+
  geom_segment(data = aicc_best_extmax, 
               aes(x = -0.5, y = open, xend = close, yend = open))+
  geom_segment(data = aicc_best_extmax, 
               aes(x = close, y = -0.5, xend = close, yend = open))+
  geom_point(data = aicc_best_extmax, aes(x = close, y = open))+
  ylab("Window open (months before June)")+
  xlab("Window close (months before June)")+
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "grey95", 
                      high = "grey5", 
                      name = expression(paste(Delta,"AIC")))+
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0,24,2), expand = c(0,0))+
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0,24,2), expand = c(0,0))+
  ggtitle("Mean maximum extreme temperature")+

extmin_plot <- ggplot(extmin_aics, aes(x = close, y = open, fill = delta_to_null))+
  geom_segment(data = aicc_best_extmin, 
               aes(x = -0.5, y = open, xend = close, yend = open))+
  geom_segment(data = aicc_best_extmin, 
               aes(x = close, y = -0.5, xend = close, yend = open))+
  geom_point(data = aicc_best_extmin, aes(x = close, y = open))+
  ylab("Window open (months before June)")+
  xlab("Window close (months before June)")+
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "grey95", 
                      high = "grey5", 
                      name = expression(paste(Delta,"AIC")))+
  scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0,24,2), expand = c(0,0))+
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0,24,2), expand = c(0,0))+
  ggtitle("Mean minimum extreme temperature")+

plot_grid(extmax_plot, extmin_plot)

atredennick/modselr documentation built on Dec. 11, 2020, 10:09 p.m.