Man pages for atredennick/sageAbundance
Fits population model for sagebrush based on remote sensing data.

calc_linex_aestimate optimal 'a' parameter for linex loss function
d_biv_normalProduce weights for bivariate normal kernel for upper left...
d_logP_omegaCalculate partial derivative vector for for Langevin omega MH...
d_logP_ZCalculate partial derivative vector for for Langevin Z MH...
expitinverse logit transformation
format_climateProduce a climate dataframe for sageAbundance simulations
linear_adj_RW2Produce an RW2 structure matrix for a line (e.g. for time...
logitlogit transformation
model_nocovarsEstimate model parameters in GLMM using rstan with no...
multinom_logL_initsneg log likelihood function for generating initial estimates...
plot_N_mapFunction to plot abundance map for Bering Sea survey grid
rect_adjProduce an RW1 adjacency matrix for a rectangular grid for...
sageAbundance-packageWhat the package does (short line) ~~ package title ~~
stack_liststack list into matrix
stack_list_vectorstack list of vectors into one big vector
atredennick/sageAbundance documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:11 p.m.