Man pages for aubreyd/modis4rwrfhydro
MODIS acquisition and processing

arcStatsGet summarisation of local MODIS hdf data. As Plot or as...
delHdfDelete MODIS grid files to reduce the local storage
extractDateExtract dates from (MODIS) files
fileSizeSize in Byte of file(s)
genTileGenerate tiling system
getCollectionGet available collections of MODIS product(s)
getHdfCreate or update a local, user-defined subset of the global...
getProductCheck the avalability of a given product, create file related...
getSdsList SDS in a MODIS grid file
getTileGet MODIS tile id(s)
makeWeightsExtract bit-encoded information from a raster file. Create a...
MODISoptionsSet or retrieve permanent MODIS package options
MODIS_QCList MODIS QA (Quality) SDS information: bitShift and bitMask
orgStrucRe-organise MODIS files in the local data archive
orgTimeHandles the in/output date used in the filerting
preStackOrganises (MODIS) files for the generation of a RasterStack...
repDoy'Repair' DOY values in MODIS composites:...
runGdalProcess MODIS hdf with GDAL
runMrtRun Modis Reprojection Tool ('MRT-grid') with specified...
search4mapFunction for 'mapdata' dearch
smoothsplineFilter time series imagery with a cubic spline
transDateFunction for MODIS date conversions and testing.
whittaker.rasterFilter vegetation index time series imagery with the modified...
aubreyd/modis4rwrfhydro documentation built on May 10, 2019, 2:13 p.m.