
Defines functions copy_pi_data

Documented in copy_pi_data

#' Copy pi data
#' @description
#' Copy the data from each pi into a separate directory and, optionally, delete the data from the pi
#' @param source path to where the files are
#' @param dest0 path where to move the files to
#' @param dest1 name of second level of destination path, defaults to the date
#' @param dest2 name of third level of destination path, defaults to an incrementing integer
#' @param delete logical to delete source files
#' @details
#' Shutdown the pi, then carefully remove its memory card and put into a card reader.
#' `copy_pi_data()` can copy data from the memory card.
#' If you don't know the path (including drive name) leave the source argument empty, and `file.choose()` will help you find it and print this information so you can use it next time.
#' You need to specify where the files will be copied to with `dest0`.
#' Within this destination directory, `copy_pi_data()` will make a new directory for each date (remember to copy the files before midnight!) (you can override this by supplying your own name to `dest1`).
#' Data for each pi are copied into a separate sub-folder which are numbered incrementally by default.
#' @importFrom fs dir_exists dir_copy file_delete dir_ls dir_create path_abs
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # make some files
#' library(fs)
#' s <- file.path(tempdir(), "source")
#' dir_create(s)
#' fs::file_create(path = file.path(s, paste0(letters[1:3], ".csv")))
#' dir(path = s)
#' # make destination
#' d <-  file.path(tempdir(), "dest")
#' dir_create(d)
#' # use copy_pi_data() to move them to a new directory
#' copy_pi_data(source = s, dest0 = d)
#' dir_tree(d)
#' # copy again. This time delete the source files
#' copy_pi_data(source = s, dest0 = d, delete = TRUE)
#' dir_tree(d)
#' dir_ls(s) # empty
#' # clean up
#' dir_delete(s)
#' dir_delete(d)

copy_pi_data <- function(source, dest0 = ".", dest1 = as.character(Sys.Date()), dest2, delete = FALSE) {
  # check source
  if (missing(source)) {
    source <- dirname(file.choose())
    cat("Source directory path is: ", source)
  } else {

  # check dest

  # make dest1 directory is needed
  if (!dir_exists(file.path(dest0, dest1))) {
    dir_create(file.path(dest0, dest1))

  # make dest2 is needed
  if (missing(dest2)) {
      existing_sub <- basename(dir_ls(file.path(dest0, dest1), type = "directory"))
      dest2 <- max(as.integer(existing_sub), 0, na.rm = TRUE) + 1

  # copy files
  dir_copy(source, file.path(dest0, dest1, dest2))

  # delete source files
  if (isTRUE(delete)) {
    # list files to move/delete
    files <- dir_ls(path_abs(source))
    # delete them

audhalbritter/PFTCFunctions documentation built on June 30, 2024, 2 p.m.