Man pages for audrey-b/BUGSnet
Bayesian network meta-analyses in compliance with best practice and reporting guidelines

afibAtrial Fibrillation data
BUGSnetBUGSnet: Bayesian network meta-analysis in compliance with...
data.plotPatient Characteristic Plot
data.prepData preparation
diabetesDiabetes data
diabetes.simDiabetes data with simulated age covariate
net.plotNetwork Plot
net.tabGenerate Network Characteristics
nma.compareConsistency vs Inconsistency plot
nma.diagTrace plots and convergence diagnostics for MCMC chains
nma.fitAssess Model Fit
nma.forestForest Plot
nma.leagueLeague Table and Heat Plot
nma.modelCreate Bugs Model for Arm-Level Data
nma.model.contrastCreate Bugs Model for contrast-Level data
nma.model.sharedCreate Bugs Model with Shared Parameters
nma.rankTable and Plots of Treatment Rankings
nma.regplotPlot of relative treatment effects vs covariate values for...
nma.runRun NMA model
nma.traceDeprecated. Please use 'nma.diag' instead.
parkinsonsParkinsons contrast data
parkinsons_armParkinsons arm-based data
pmaPairwise meta-analysis
thrombolyticThrombolytic data
audrey-b/BUGSnet documentation built on Feb. 2, 2025, 5:10 p.m.