

devtools::install_github("aumath-advancedr2019/ACM_2019", build_vignettes = TRUE, dependencies = T)


The purpose of the package

The purpose of this package, is to provide useful functions for Monte Carlo simulations and general probabilty theory.

The plan is to make classes for a simulation result, and alter the defualt 'plot' and summary functions for these, in order to provide a quick way of evaluation your simulations.

Further we implement functions that by Monte Carlo computes the value of an integral, a function that runs an Acceptance-Rejection procedure.

Lastly we implement a class 'coplua' and provides a plot function for this, to see the dependence structure between to equal length vectors.

Made by:

Anders Højrup (Documentation Executive (DE)) Christian Skalborg Jensen (Project Manager (PM)) Markus Legat (Quality Executuve (QE))

aumath-advancedr2019/ACM_2019 documentation built on Nov. 26, 2019, 2:07 a.m.