Man pages for aurielfournier/rel

mroundRounds numbers into categories by dec
ordinal_date_conTurns Month/Day/Year into Ordinal Date
rail_functionA Rails Function
round_by_10round values by 10
round_by_2round values by 10
scale_x_ordinaldatego from ordinal dates to readable dates in axis
scale_y_ordinaldatego from ordinal dates to readable dates in axis
smoothersmoother spline
sora_splineA function which makes Sora smooth splines with boot strapped...
theme_fournierMy custom ggplot2 theme.
theme_rallidaeruleA custom ggplot2 theme to make plots the way I generally like...
aurielfournier/rel documentation built on Jan. 9, 2020, 12:06 p.m.