Man pages for auto-optimization/iraceplot
Plots for Visualizing the Data Produced by the 'irace' Package

ablation_plotCreate plot from an ablation log
boxplot_performanceBox Plot of the performance of a set of configurations
boxplot_testBox Plot Testing Performance
boxplot_trainingBox Plot Training
configurations_displayThe configurations by iteration and instance
distance_configDistance between configurations
iraceplot-packageThe iraceplot package: Plots for Visualizing the Data...
parallel_catParallel Coordinates Category
parallel_coordParallel Coordinates Plot
parameters_summariseSummarise parameters space
parameters_treePrint parameter dependencies as a tree
plot_configurationsPlot parameter configurations using parallel coordinates
plot_experiments_matrixHeat Map Plot
plot_modelPlot the sampling models used by irace
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
reportCreate HTML Report from irace data
sampling_distanceSampling distance Plot
sampling_frequencyParameter Frequency and Density Plot
sampling_frequency_iterationFrequency and Density plot based on its iteration
sampling_heatmapSampling heat map plot
sampling_heatmap2Sampling heat map plot
sampling_pieSampling pie plot
scatter_performancePerformance Scatter Plot of Two Configurations
summarise_by_configurationSummarise by configuration
summarise_by_instanceSummarise by instance
summarise_by_iterationSummarise by iteration
auto-optimization/iraceplot documentation built on Dec. 27, 2024, 11:42 p.m.