View source: R/ablation_plot.R
ablation_plot | R Documentation |
Create plot from an ablation log
type = c("mean", "boxplot", "rank"),
n = 0L,
ylab = "Mean configuration cost",
ylim = NULL,
rotate_labs = TRUE,
rename_labs = NULL,
filename = NULL
ablog |
type |
Type of plot. Supported values are |
n |
ylab |
Label of y-axis. |
ylim |
Numeric vector of length 2 giving the y-axis range. |
rotate_labs |
rename_labs |
filename |
( |
boxplot object
Manuel López-Ibáñez
, irace::plotAblation()
ablog <- read_ablogfile(system.file(package="irace", "exdata", "log-ablation.Rdata"))
ablation_plot(ablog, type="boxplot", rotate_labs = FALSE)
ablation_plot(ablog, type = "rank,boxplot", rename_labs =
c("localsearch"="ls", algorithm="algo", source="default"))
ablation_plot(ablog, type="rank,mean,boxplot", n = 4, rotate_labs = FALSE)
ablog <- system.file(package="iraceplot", "exdata", "log-ablation-autoMOPSODTLZ.Rdata")
ablation_plot(ablog, type="rank,mean,boxplot")
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