Man pages for avalcarcel9/aliviateR
A package to automate my R workflow

alval_badgesAdd Continuous Integration Badges
alval_flowGenerates an R package
alval_gitCreates package repo on GitHub
dscCalculate Sørensen's-Dice
dsc_mult_thresholdsCalculate Sørensen–Dice index for a probability map using...
load_mrdataLoad Multiple R Data Files
multiple_filepathsObtain a tibble of filepaths
printroxygenheaderPrints Roxygen Header
save_slicesSave the Same Slice Across Images
sort_filepathsSorts a data.frame or tibble of filepaths
use_authorCreate or modify the 'Authors@R' field in the DESCRIPTION...
avalcarcel9/aliviateR documentation built on July 10, 2020, 12:32 p.m.