LookR-package: An Interface for the Looker API

Description Details Author(s)


LookR is a package that contains functions that interface with the Looker API (namely, LookerSetup and LookerQuery).


Package: LookR
Type: Package
Version: 1.0
Date: 2013-12-08

LookerSetup takes the API token and secret, as well as the host and port as inputs and brings them into R in a Looker environments to be used in LookerQuery. LookerQuery builds a GET request from a list of fields (i.e., dimensions and measures) as well as filters specified as arguments in the function.


Scott Hoover

Maintainer: <scott@looker.com>

avantcredit/FookR documentation built on May 11, 2019, 4:06 p.m.