Man pages for averissimo/verissimo-rpackage
A lot of generic functions that can be reused balanced folds for cross validation
balanced.train.and.testGet a balanced test and train dataset
base.dirchange base.dir for run.cache
digest.cacheDefault digest method
draw.cov.matrixPlot covariance heatmap from matrix
draw.empty.plotDraw empty plot.
gen.synth.xdataGenerate xdata matrix with pre-determined covariance
multiplotMultiple plot
my.colorsCustom pallete of colors
my.plot.residualsPlot multiple residuals ggplots to file in multiple formats to save plots to multiple formats
my.symbolsCustom pallete of symbols in plots
properCapitalizes all words in string
run.cacheRun function and save cache
runCacheRun function and save cache
show.messageShow messages option in run.cache
tempdir.cacheTemporary directory for runCache
verissimoverissimo: compiles my generic function
verissimo.optionsConstants for 'verissimo'
averissimo/verissimo-rpackage documentation built on May 11, 2019, 4:07 p.m.