Development and validation of the nursing confidence in managing sedation complications scale

📊 The full scale can be accessed and scored here

This repository hosts raw data and code required to completely reproduce the statistical analyses. All code is in R. The targets package was used to manage the workflow.

Reproducible analysis with Docker

The statistical anlyses requires various packages to be installed, and may not work properly if package versions have changed. Therefore, a Docker image is provided to run the code reproducibly.

Run Docker locally

If you already have docker installed

docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -e USER=<user> -e PASSWORD=<password> awconway/nc-mscs

You will see the targets being built by targets, and the final manuscript should be compiled at the end as manuscript.docx.

Run Docker on a Cloud

Instead of installing docker on your system you can run it on a remote server, such as Digital Ocean. This link provides you with $100 free credit to use for a 60-day period. After signing up, follow these steps to run this project on a Digital Ocean droplet:

  - docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -e USER=<user> -e PASSWORD=<password> awconway/nc-mscs

You will see the targets being built by targets, and the final manuscript should be compiled at the end as manuscript.docx in the manuscript folder.

awconway/nc-mscs documentation built on Feb. 17, 2021, 10:07 p.m.