Man pages for awhstin/awtools
awtools: misc tools and themes for

abs_commafor use with axis labels, returns absolute value with commas
a_concert_themeAll of the themes follow a similar pattern mainly just...
a_dark_themeAll of the themes follow a similar pattern mainly just...
a_flat_colorflat color palette (see readme)
a_flat_colourflat color palette (see readme)
a_flat_fillflat color palette (see readme)
a_palOriginal color palette with decent brightness
a_plex_themeAll of the themes follow a similar pattern mainly just...
a_robot_themeAll of the themes follow a similar pattern mainly just...
a_themeAll of the themes follow a similar pattern mainly just...
b_palBig color palette
bpalettebig color palette
col_compareFunction to return the column with the max value (or value of...
g_palSort of sequential gray palette
m.compressfor use with axis labels turns big number into abbrev. form
m_palFlat color palette (see readme)
p_palPrimary color palette with decent brightness
ppaletteprimary color palette
removeNAsRemove NAs function
s_palSecondary color palette
spalettesecondary color palette
awhstin/awtools documentation built on Oct. 12, 2019, 6:54 a.m.