finalized_stroopdata: Finalized Table 'prepdat::prep()' returns for 'stroopdata'...

Description Usage Format Details Examples


A data frame containing dependent measures prep for each id calculated according to grouping variables: block and target_type. prep() aggregates the columns for the dependent measures by first dividing them to the levels of the first independent variable in wthin vars, and then within each level prep() divides the columns according to the next variable in within_vars and so forth. Thus, for each dependent measure in this example there are four columns according to the order they where entered in within_vars argument in prep. For this data frame this argument was within_vars = c("block", "target_type").




A data frame with 15 rows and 98 columns.


The complete list of names of the dependent measures is:

mdvc: mean dvc.

sdvc: SD for dvc.

meddvc: median dvc.

tdvc: mean dvc after rejecting observations above standard deviation criteria specified in sd_criterion.

ntr: number of observations rejected for each standard deviation criterion specified in sd_criterion.

ndvc: number of observations before rejection.

ptr: proportion of observations rejected for each standard deviation criterion specified in sd_criterion.

rminv: harmonic mean of dvc.

prt: dvc according to each of the percentiles specified in percentiles.

mdvd: mean dvd.

merr: mean error.

nrmc: mean dvc according to non-recursive procedure with moving criterion.

nnrmc: number of observations rejected for dvc according to non-recursive procedure with moving criterion.

pnrmc: percent of observations rejected for dvc according to non-recursive procedure with moving criterion.

tnrmc: total number of observations upon which the non-recursive procedure with moving criterion was applied.

mrmc: mean dvc according to modified-recursive procedure with moving criterion.

nmrmc: number of observations rejected for dvc according to modified-recursive procedure with moving criterion.

pmrmc: percent of observations rejected for dvc according to modified-recursive procedure with moving criterion.

tmrmc: total number of observations upon which the modified-recursive procedure with moving criterion was applied.

hrmc: mean dvc according to hybrid-recursive procedure with moving criterion.

nhrmc: number of observations rejected for dvc according to hybrid-recursive procedure with moving criterion.

thrmc: total number of observations upon which the hybrid-recursive procedure with moving criterion was applied.



ayalaallon/prepdat documentation built on May 11, 2019, 4:12 p.m.