
Parameter file overview

|Key|Value|Comment| |---|-----|-------| |#Project info||| |ProjectWD|/path/to/projectWD|Give the full path to were the project should be initiated |#Reads info||| |readsPath|/path/to/reads|End of reads file in below reads directory |ReadsSuffix|.fastq.gz|End of reads file in below reads directory |readsTable|/path/to/|Table with reads info | |parametersTable|/path/to/|Table with path info | |#ReferenceInfo||| |ReferenceFasta|/path/to/fasta/reference|Reference sequence file| |ReferenceSuffix|.fa|End of reference file (most likely .fa or .fasta)| |ReferenceGTF|/path/to/gtf/reference|Reference annotation file| |#Program and scriptInfo||Information regarding where all the scripts and programs will be located| |snakemakeFile|/glob/johanr/src/snakemakeLib/snakemake|Location where all the local snake make files are located| |Rscripts|/glob/johanr/src/snakemakeLib/R|Location where all the Rscript files are located|

b97jre/GBP_scripts documentation built on May 11, 2019, 5:21 p.m.