
Run R function in terminal quickly


Install from github:


Add environment PATH(Run in terminal):

OS & Linux

(1) Find the path of package rpro

Rscript -e 'library(rpro);cat(path.package("rpro"), "bin", sep = "/")'

(2) Add in PATH

echo "paste path in step 1" >> ~/.bashrc


This package is written purely by R, so it supports Windows(Im sure). However, I do not know how to add PTAH since I do not use Windows a long time ago (~_~). Welcome to contribute!


After install rpro and add the environment path, you can run rpro as a command in the terminal directly.


rpro list lists all the functions defined in the files that in your current folder. In default, it just shows the functions whose name starts with run.


rpro list may show you some functions, then you can use rpro run function_name to run the corresponding function.


Save the follwing codes in test.R.

options(encoding = 'GBK')

# download web page
run_ip <- function(url, ...){
  if (is.null(url)){
    return(cat('NO url\n'))
  res = readLines(url, ...)
  return(cat(res, '\n'))

# parse command line parameters
run_arg <- function(...){
  argvs = list(...)
  arg_name = names(argvs)
  if (length(arg_name) == 0){
    return(message('No parameter offered.'))
  arg_val = sapply(arg_name, function(x) argvs[[x]])
  msg = sprintf('Paramter name: %-*s; Parameter value: %s',
                max(nchar(arg_name)), arg_name, arg_val)
  cat(msg, sep = '\n')
rpro list
# Search files match: [*.R$]; Search funcitons match: [^run]
# ----> 1: test.R::run_arg
# ----> 2: test.R::run_scrapy

# return the address of your IP
rpro run test.R::run_ip -url  

In default, rpro run will add a help argument for the function(if you do not offer any parameters). So it is always recommended to prepare more arguments in your function(... in the script refers to more arguments).

rpro run test.R::run_arg
# Paramter name: help; Parameter value: 0
rpro run test.R::run_arg -arg1 rpro -arg2 123 -arg3 third
# Paramter name: arg1; Parameter value: rpro
# Paramter name: arg2; Parameter value: 123
# Paramter name: arg3; Parameter value: third


(1) logging & email?

(2) configuration file to store parameters?

badbye/rpro documentation built on May 11, 2019, 5:24 p.m.