Man pages for baddstats/globe
Plot 2D and 3D Views of the Earth, Including Major Coastline

crossCross Product
dotDot Product
earthMajor Coastline of Earth
ensure3dChecking and converting coordinates
flatearthPlot the Earth as a 2D Projection
flatpointsPlot Points on a 2D Projection of the Earth
globedrawlatDrawing lines of latitude and longitude
globeearthPlot Earth as 3D Globe
globelinesPlot points, lines and arrows on a globe
globe-packageSimple 2D and 3D plots of Spheres including Earth
orthogprojOrthogonal Projection
placeLocations of Some Places on Earth
runifsphereRandom Points on a Sphere
spatialposConvert Geographical to Cartesian Coordinates
baddstats/globe documentation built on May 11, 2019, 5:24 p.m.