Man pages for bamonroe/ctools
Unified Syntax for Parallel Operations in R

c.applyPortable apply function
c.applyLBPortable apply function with load balancing
c.callPortable cluster style call function
c.configConfigure options for cores directly
c.coresReturn the number of cores configured for use
c.evalEvaluate expression on all cluster nodes
c.exportExport function for cluster parallel
c.getOptionGet options on all worker nodes
c.lapplyPortable lapply function
c.lapplyLBPortable lapply function with load balancing
c.libraryPortable package loader
c.maxcoresReturn the maximum number of cores possible to use
c.optionsSet options on all worker nodes
c.sapplyPortable sapply function
c.sapplyLBPortable sapply function with load balancing
c.set.seedReturn the number of cores configured for use
c.sourceSource function for cluster parallel
c.sourceCppSourceCPP function for cluster parallel
bamonroe/ctools documentation built on May 11, 2019, 6:19 p.m.