Man pages for barcaroli/SamplingStrata
Optimal Stratification of Sampling Frames for Multipurpose Sampling Surveys

adjustSizeAdjustment of the sample size in case it is externally given
aggStrata2Builds the "strata" dataframe containing information on...
aggStrataSpatialBuilds the "strata" dataframe containing information on...
assignStrataLabelFunction to assign the optimized strata labels
bethelMultivariate optimal allocation
buildFrameDFBuilds the "sampling frame" dataframe from a dataset...
buildFrameSpatialBuilds the "sampling frame" dataframe from a dataset...
buildStrataDFBuilds the "strata" dataframe containing information on...
buildStrataDFSpatialBuilds the "strata" dataframe containing information on...
checkInputChecks the inputs to the package: dataframes "errors",...
computeGammaFunction that allows to calculate a heteroscedasticity index,...
errorsPrecision constraints (maximum CVs) as input for Bethel...
evalSolutionEvaluation of the solution produced by the function...
expected_CVExpected coefficients of variation of target variables Y
KmeansSolutionInitial solution obtained by applying kmeans clustering of...
KmeansSolution2Initial solution obtained by applying kmeans clustering of...
KmeansSolutionSpatialInitial solution obtained by applying kmeans clustering of...
nationsDataset 'nations'
optimizeStrataBest stratification of a sampling frame for multipurpose...
optimizeStrata2Best stratification of a sampling frame for multipurpose...
optimizeStrataSpatialBest stratification of a sampling frame for multipurpose...
optimStrataOptimization of the stratification of a sampling frame given...
plotSampratePlotting sampling rates in the different strata for each...
plotStrata2dPlot bivariate distibutions in strata
prepareSuggestionPrepare suggestions for optimization with method =...
procBethelProcedure to apply Bethel algorithm and select a sample from...
selectSampleSelection of a stratified sample from the frame with srswor...
selectSampleSpatialSelection of geo-referenced points from the frame
selectSampleSystematicSelection of a stratified sample from the frame with...
strataDataframe containing information on strata in the frame
summaryStrataInformation on strata structure
swisserrorsPrecision constraints (maximum CVs) as input for Bethel...
swissframeDataframe containing information on all units in the...
swissmunicipalitiesThe Swiss municipalities population
swissstrataDataframe containing information on strata in the swiss...
tuneParametersExecution and compared evaluation of optimization runs
updateFrameUpdates the initial frame on the basis of the optimized...
updateStrataAssigns new labels to atomic strata on the basis of the...
var.binAllows to transform a continuous variable into a categorical...
barcaroli/SamplingStrata documentation built on June 1, 2024, 1:13 p.m.