Man pages for barkasn/fastSave
Save R objects Faster

load.fastWrapper for load.lbzip2
load.lbzip2Reload Datasets saved with lbzip2
load.lbzip2.eReload Datasets saved with lbzip2 and return it as a...
load.pigzLoad R Objects saved with pigz compression
load.pigz.eLoad R Objects saved with pigz compression
preserve.stateSave the session in the current working directory with a file...
readRDS.lbzip2Read a single R object in RDS format compressed with lbzip2
readRDS.pigzSave a single R object in RDS format that is compressed with...
save.fastWrapper for save.lbzip2
save.image.lbzip2Save the current workspace with lbzip2 compression
save.image.pigzSave the current workspace
save.lbzip2Save R Object using lbzip2 parallel compression
save.pigzSave R Object using pigz compression
saveRDS.lbzip2Save a single R object in RDS format compressed with lbzip2
saveRDS.pigzSave a single R object in RDS format compressed with lbzip2
barkasn/fastSave documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:23 a.m.