Man pages for barkasn/nbHelpers
Various Useful Helper Functions

deseqRes2TibbleConvert DESeq2 results table into a tibble
factor2CharConvert a factor to a character vector, while preserving the...
factorBreakdownBreak down a factor returning the names of the elements in...
factorBreakdown.2Break down a factor returning the names of the elements in...
getDataWithCovarianceMatrixGenerates data with covariance structure specified by the...
getDisplayGet the display paramters for X11 plotting
getFactorFromP1rdsGet the colors of a pagoda1 serialised app object as a factor
getNamedDirectoryListingLike list.files but return the full path and the vector...
getParMfrowget number of rows and cols to use when printing a n.items...
getSlurmCpusGet the number of processors allocated to the current job by...
headtailHead and tail of a table combined
is.errorReturn TRUE if the parameter is an error object
ll2aConvert list of lists of numbers to array
load.hca.matrixLoad a sparse matrix from an HDF5 file ensuring that the...
mergeFactorMerge a previously broken down factor
mergeMatricesMerge expression matrices in a list, keeping only common...
minStringDistanceFind minimum string distance strings in a vector
mixCellsInMatrixmix cells in a matrix with a common background profile...
mixVectorsOnLogicalGenerates a new vector from two vectors by combining them...
NA2FALSEConvert NA values in x to FALSE
NA2VALUEConvert NA values in x to the value specified by val
namedLevelsGet a vector with the levels of a factor named with their own...
namedNamesGet a vector of the names of an object named by the names...
plapplyParallel apply using the packages parallel, BiocParallel or...
plotFactorsPercentGenerate a ggplot2 plot comparing two factors for a common...
randomPositiveDefiniteMatrixGenerates a random positive definite matrix
read10Xmatricesread multiple 10x matrices into a single sparse array
read10xMatrixRead 10x matrix
readInDropMatrixReads in a data matrix from the in house indrop pipeline
readKleinMatrixReads in an expression matrix as formatted by the Klein lab...
readMultiple10XmatricesAsListread multiple 10x matrices and return as a list
readMultipleInDropMatricesReads in multiple indrop matrices
readMultipleKleinMatricesReads in multiple klein matrices and returns them in a list
removeLevelsBySizeRemove levels and elements from a factor that have fewer than...
removeLevelsFromFactorRemove all elements from specificed clusters from a factor...
replaceClusterFactorsCombine two named factors when the new factor contains a...
rldpkgReload a package from the library
setDisplaySet the display parameter for X11 plotting
sparseMatrixDensityGet the percent of entries that are filled in a sparse matrix
str1Get the top level structure of an object
str2Get the two top levels of structure of an object
strpartGet the specified substring of string delimited by a...
subSampleCountMatrixSubsample a count matrix to a specific number of reads
subSampleCountMatrix2Subsample a count matrix to a specific number of reads,...
symmsetdiffGet the symmetrical set difference between two sets (XOR)
tableCornersget NW, NE, SW and SE corners of a dataframe or matrix
transpose_dgRMatrixTranspose a dgRMatrix and simultaneously convert it to...
uniqCombsGet all unique combinations of elements in a list
vectorSeqOverlapGet the number of commong elements among the top n elements...
vennCountsGiven two vectors return the number of elements only in a, in...
writeListOfDFsWrite a list of data.frames as individual csv files
barkasn/nbHelpers documentation built on Oct. 10, 2020, 9:46 p.m.