triang: triangulate positions from locations and bearings

Description Usage Arguments Value


triangulate positions from locations and bearings


  triang(f, data, method = "mle", subset = TRUE, ...)



a formula (with no LHS) specifying the bearing and groupings


a data frame or spatial data frame with the coordinates, bearings, and groupings


name of the method to use


logical vector to subset the data


extra parameters passed to the individual methods

The formula is minimally of the form ~bearing if every row of the data frame is to be used to compute one location, or of the form ~bearing|f1+f2+f3 if the specified variables after the | are used to construct groups within which the rows consist of one set of observations.

If the data frame is not a Spatial Points Data Frame, then the coordinates will be taken from columns named 'x' and 'y'.

For specific information about parameters for the different methods, consult the individual functions: trimle, trihub, triand, trirmr. These functions only work on a single set of observations.


A spatial data frame of each position estimate for data within each group.

barryrowlingson/telemetr documentation built on May 11, 2019, 8:30 p.m.