Employee-class: An S4 class defining an employee

Employee-classR Documentation

An S4 class defining an employee


This class is based on the organizational structure of Taganito Mining Corporation's (TMC) Mines Group. This can be used in representing both real and theoretical employees.


Real employees are actual persons represented as Employee-class objects. Theoretical employees in this context are employee requirements represented as Employee-class objects.

This class is further classified into Staff-class and NonStaff-class.



character string defining the employee's unique identifier


character string defining the name of employee


character string defining the designation of the employee


integer vector with length of 12 estimating the attendance rate of the employee for the whole year.

This defaults to 1 for theoretical employees. For real employees, a value of not more than 1 but greater than 0 may be used.


numeric value estimating the man power spare factor for an activity

This is usually used as man hours multiplier when a spare operator is assigned. The spare factor defaults to 1 for real employees. For theoretical employees, a value greater than 1 may be used.


character vector containing the cost centers wherein the employee will be charged


character string defining the employment status of the employee


character string defining the date of start of employment of the employee


character string defining the date of end of employment of the employee


logical value
Is the employee's accommodation given by the company?


character string defining the day of the week wherein the employee is not required to report to work


integer vector with length of 12

This represents the total number of hours consisting of only the first eight hours of the holidays wherein the employee is still paid even if the employee will not report to work. Each element of the vector represents a month.

For regular non-RF employees, holHours is comprised by special holidays, legal holidays, and negotiated holidays. For non-RF non-Regular employees, holHours is comprised by legal holidays and special holidays.

For regular RF employees, holHours is comprised by special holidays, legal holidays, negotiated holidays, special holidays on rest days, legal holidays on rest days, and negotiated holidays on rest days. For non-regular RF employees, holHours is comprised by legal holidays, legal holidays on rest days, worked special holidays, and worked special holidays on rest days..

This slot only applies to real employees.


integer vector with length of 12

This represents the number of hours wherein the employee must report to work in order to be compensated. Regular employees may not report to work during any type of holiday. Non-regular employees, on the other hand, may not report to work during legal holidays only.


integer vector with length of 12

This represents the number of regular hours budgeted per month.


integer value defining the number of leave hours the employee can enjoy

This equates to paid vacation or sick leave.


character string defining the cost center wherein the excess regular man hours of the employee will be charged


logical value
Is the computation used for forecasting the present year?


logical value
Is the employee always on the field?


integer vector with length of 12

This represents the number of dependents of the employee per month.



basilrabi/mansched2 documentation built on May 19, 2023, 9:51 p.m.