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storethat is one of the workhorses for data ETL (extract, transform, load) work in the finRes suite where it plays the important role of providing an off-Bloomberg storage facility for financial data retrieved from Bloomberg using the pullit package. storethat and pullit work in conjunction with the BBGsymbols package that provides carefully selected Bloomberg datafields for pullit to query data for and for storethat to store the corresponding retrieved data. Both packages are flexible to BBGsymbols content dynamics in that enhancing BBGsymbols with new datafield(s) won’t alter data queries in pullit nor storethat storage facilities with any existing database eventually upgrading for the new field(s) on first encounter. Install the development version with devtools::install_github("bautheac/storethat").

bautheac/strorethat documentation built on June 7, 2021, 8:51 a.m.