Man pages for bayesball/BayesTestStreak
Testing Streakiness in Binary Sequences by Bayes Factors

bayes.factor.functionComputes Bayes Factors for Range of Alternatives
bayes.factor.KComputes Bayes Factor for Single Alternative
BayesTestStreak-packageTesting Streakiness in Binary Sequences by Bayes Factors
betageomComputes Log Posterior for Beta/Geometric Model
dustinstreakStreak Data for Dustin Pedroia
find_idFinds Retrosheet id for a player
find.spacingsComputes spacings for a binary sequence
geometric.plotGeometric Probability Plot of a Binary Sequence
get_streaksComputes lengths of streaks for a binary sequence
mavg_plotMoving Average Plot
pbp2016Retrosheet Event Data for 2016 Data
permutation.testPermutation Test of a Binary Sequence
plot_streak_dataRug plot of binary data
pred.simulation.KPredictive Simulation of Streakiness Assuming Consistent...
random_streakGraph of Streaky Patterns in Coin Tossing
streak_dataObtain binary data for streak analysis
streak_game_dataObtain game data for streak analysis
bayesball/BayesTestStreak documentation built on April 28, 2024, 6:28 a.m.