
SciAnimator - Scientific Image Animator Plugin for jQuery

Version: 1.4, Last updated: 1/18/2011

SciAnimator provides a simple yet powerful interface for animating a series of images.




These examples illustrate a few ways in which this plugin can be used.

Simplest possible creation:

Select the element which will hold the animator. (Perhaps a <div id="scianimator"></div> that you have already inserted into your page?) Pass an array of images in the options object.

    'images': ['images/foo.png', 'images/bar.png', 'images/bas.png', 'images/bat.png'],  

Create and start playing instantly:

    'images': ['images/foo.png', 'images/bar.png', 'images/bas.png', 'images/bat.png'],  

Create with additional options:

    'images': ['images/foo.png', 'images/bar.png', 'images/bas.png', 'images/bat.png'],  
    'width': 600,  
    'theme': 'dark',  
    'defaultFrame': 'last'

Override a default value for ALL instances:

$.fn.scianimator.defaults.debug = true; // turn on debug logging  
$.fn.scianimator.defaults.theme = 'blue'; // change default theme

$.fn.scianimator.defaults.utf8 = 'false'; // Use text labels rather than UTF8 symbols  
$ = 'Juego'; // l10n/i18n

// then create your instances and they will use your custom defaults...

Call a public method from your own script:

$('#scianimator').scianimator('showStatus', {status:'Hello Ladies...', timeout:3000});


What settings/options are available?

For more details, check out the code - look for: $.fn.scianimator.defaults in

Support and Testing

Information about what version or versions of jQuery this plugin has been tested with, what browsers it has been tested in, etc.

jQuery Versions

Browsers Tested

If your desired browser/version is not listed, it does not necessarily mean that it does not work, but rather that it hasn't yet been tested.

Known Issues

TODO Items

Aside from resolving the KNOWN ISSUES, the following items are in consideration for future updates. Feel free to recommend any of these or make additional suggestions.

Release History


Copyright (c) 2010 Brent Ertz Released under the MIT license.

bbTomas/slidifyLibraries documentation built on May 11, 2019, 9:24 p.m.