Man pages for bbest/ohigui
Ocean Health Index - Graphical User Interface

AggregateLayersAggregate Layers
allregionsOcean Health Index: Global regions
assemble.layers_dataAssemble Layers
asterPlot Aster
check.layers_navigationCheck Layers
config.summaryPrint summary of configuration
launchAppLaunch the browser application
load.configLoad the configuration file
ohi.extrasOcean Health Index: TBD
ohigui-packageOcean Health Index - Graphical User Interface
ohi.model.goalOcean Health Index: Goal Model
ohi.model.pressuresOcean Health Index: Pressures Model
ohi.model.pressures.matrixOcean Health Index: Pressures Matrix Model
ohi.model.resilienceOcean Health Index: Resilience Model
ohi.nature2012Ocean Health Index: Global Results Health Index: Data file format
ohi-varsOcean Health Index: Global variables
scoringOcean Health Index: Scoring
bbest/ohigui documentation built on May 11, 2019, 9:25 p.m.