Man pages for bbolker/betararef
Beta Diversity with Rarefaction

betasimSimulate communities with specified diversity characteristics
calcbetaCompute beta diversity summary statistic via distances from...
calcbeta_statCalculate beta-diversity statistic for a single realization
findTargetsFind target sizes for rarefaction of samples for multiple...
plot.spmatPlot species matrices and community frames
raref_testRarefaction testing with rarefactions within permutations
rtrpoisTruncated Poisson distribution
sampleMatIndividual-based resampling/rarefaction of a community matrix
simCommsimulate multiple communities with different...
simfun2rarefy once (maybe) and spit out F statistic(s)
bbolker/betararef documentation built on Sept. 17, 2021, 8:49 a.m.