Man pages for bbolker/cricketr
Evaluation of cricket stopping rules

clean.rtabclean/reformat resource table FIXME: don't hard-code max...
cross.validrun a single cross-validation
DLtabDuckworth-Lewis resource table
dnorm2normal density with profiled sd
get.ntabcount number of games by overs/wickets
get.rescompute resources for a specific set: new hotness (dplyr)
get.rtabcalculate resource table
get.totcalculate average of final runs
gofCalculate summary statistics (bias, variance, RMSE, kappa)...
objfunweighted least-squares
optfunFind optimal D-L parameters
plot.restabplot resource tables
RMSEroot-mean-square error, weighted by n resource table to data frame
bbolker/cricketr documentation built on May 11, 2019, 9:28 p.m.