

dat <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "auditory/aud_demo_dat.RDS", package = "fmrireg"))

cvars0 <- names(dat$confounds[[1]])[1:28]

pick_confounds <- function(conf, cvars=cvars0, npcs=6) {
  lapply(conf, function(x) {
    sel <- select(x, cvars)
    cnames <- names(sel)
    selm <- as.matrix(sel)
    colnames(selm) <- cvars
    mat <- apply(selm, 2, function(x) {
      med <- median(x, na.rm=TRUE)
      x[is.na(x)] <- med
    pres <- prcomp(scale(mat))$x[,1:npcs]

# test_that("demo1", {
#   des <- dat$design
#   des$ons1 <- des$onset1/1000
#   des$ons2 <- des$onset2/1000
#   des$ons3 <- des$onset3/1000
#   des$ons4 <- des$onset4/1000
#   des$constant <- rep(1, nrow(des))
#   sframe <- sampling_frame(rep(197,6), TR=1.5)
#   isi <- des$onset1[2:nrow(des)] - des$onset4[1:(nrow(des)-1)]
#   isi[isi < 0] <- median(isi)
#   des$isi <- c(0, scale(isi))
#   g = expand.grid(lag=seq(.01,5, by=.2), width=seq(0.1,5, by=.2))
#   gres <- do.call(cbind, lapply(1:nrow(g), function(i) {
#     h <<- gen_hrf(hrf_spmg1, lag=g[i,1], width=g[i,2])
#     h(0:24)
#   }))
#   pres = prcomp(gres)
#   p1=gen_empirical_hrf(0:24, pres$x[,1])
#   p2=gen_empirical_hrf(0:24, pres$x[,2])
#   p3=gen_empirical_hrf(0:24, pres$x[,3])
#   p4=gen_empirical_hrf(0:24, pres$x[,4])
#   hset <- gen_hrf_set(p1,p2,p3,p4)
#   for (i in 0:5) {
#     nuis <- pick_confounds(dat$confounds, npcs=12)
#     bmod <- baseline_model(basis="bs", degree=4, nuisance_list=nuis, sframe=sframe)
#     h <- gen_hrf(hrf_gaussian, mean=6,sd=2)
#     ##hf <- hrf_blocked(width=5, half_life=i, summate=FALSE)
#     hrf1 <- gen_hrf(hrf_gaussian, lag=0)
#     hrf2 <- gen_hrf(hrf_gaussian, lag=3)
#     emod <- event_model(ons1 ~ hrf(constant, basis=h, prefix="h1"),
#                           #hrf(constant, basis=hrf2, prefix="h4") + 
#                           #hrf(Poly(isi,3),basis=hrf1, prefix="h1"), 
#                           #hrf(Poly(isi,3),basis=hrf2, prefix="h4"),
#                       block = ~ block, data=des, 
#                       sampling_frame=sframe)
#     emod2 <- event_model(ons1 ~ trialwise("tw", basis=h),
#                         block = ~ block, data=des, 
#                         sampling_frame=sframe)
#     y <- apply(dat$mat, 1, function(x) median(x, na.rm=TRUE))
#     dmat_ev <- design_matrix(emod2)
#     dmat_bv <- design_matrix(bmod)
#     evmat <- as.matrix(dmat_ev)
#     bvmat <- as.matrix(dmat_bv)
#     colnames(evmat) <- names(dmat_ev)
#     colnames(bvmat) <- names(dmat_bv)
#     lm.0 <- lm(y ~ bvmat -1)
#     lm.00 <- lm(y ~ bvmat[,1:6] + ccres$scores)
#     lm.1 <- lm(y ~ evmat + bvmat -1, x=TRUE, y=TRUE)
#     slm.1 <- slm(y ~ evmat + bvmat - 1)
#     y0 <- resid(lm.0)
#     y00 <- resid(lm.00)
#     ares <- auto.arima(y0)
#     ares00 <- auto.arima(y00)
#     ares2 <- arima(y, order=c(2,0,2), xreg=cbind(evmat, bvmat))
#     #print(cor(evmat[,1],resid(lm.0)))
#   }
# })
# test_that("demo2", {
#   dat$design$onset1 <- dat$design$onset1/1000
#   dset <- matrix_dataset(dat$mat, TR=1.5, run_length=rep(197,6), event_table=dat$design)
#   nuis <- pick_confounds(dat$confounds, npcs=5)
#   sframe <- sampling_frame(rep(197,6), TR=1.5)
#   cond <- onset1 ~ trialwise(basis=hrf_time)
#   ev <- event_model(onset1 ~ trialwise(basis=hrf_time), data=dset$event_table, 
#                     sampling_frame=sframe, block = ~ block)
#   basedeg=5
#   bmod <- baseline_model("bs", degree=basedeg, sframe=dset$sampling_frame, 
#                          nuisance_list=nuis)
#   X_base <- as.matrix(design_matrix(bmod))
#   X_cond <- as.matrix(design_matrix(ev))
#   ### send in a set of factors
#   ### will estimate each level of the crossed factor separately, with the rest of the factor modelled
#   ### separately. Can be done in parallel.
#   res <- estimate_hrf(cond, fixed=NULL, block= ~ block, dataset=dset)
#   X <- dat$mat
#   Xr <- resid(lsfit(X_base, X, intercept = FALSE))
#   pres <- multivarious::pca(Xr, ncomp=100, preproc=multivarious::standardize())
#   ps <- lapply(1:12, function(i) {
#     v <- pres$s[,i]
#     gam.1 <- gam(v ~ s(X_cond) - 1)
#     time <- seq(0,20,by=1)
#     p <- predict(gam.1, data.frame(X_cond=time))
#   })
#   expect_true(!is.null(ps))
# })
bbuchsbaum/fmrireg documentation built on May 16, 2023, 10:56 a.m.