Man pages for bbuchsbaum/graphweights
Constructing Adjacency Matrices Based on Spatial and Feature Similarity

adjacencyget weights of all neighbors of a set of nodes
adjacency.neighbor_graphAdjacency Matrix for neighbor_graph Objects
between_class_neighborsBetween-Class Neighbors
bilateral_smootherBilateral Spatial Smoother
binary_label_matrixCreate a Binary Label Adjacency Matrix
class_graphConstruct a Class Graph
class_meansClass Means
commute_time_distanceCompute the commute-time distance between nodes in a graph
convolve_matrixConvolve a Data Matrix with a Kernel Matrix
cross_adjacencyCross Adjacency
cross_spatial_adjacencyCross Spatial Adjacency
cross_weighted_spatial_adjacencyCompute the adjacency between two adjacency matrices weighted...
difference_of_gaussCompute the Difference of Gaussians for a coordinate matrix
discriminating_distanceCompute Discriminating Distance for Similarity Graph
discriminating_simililarityCompute Similarity Graph Weighted by Class Structure
dist_to_simConvert distance to similarity
edgesEdges for Graph-Like Objects
edges.neighbor_graphEdges for neighbor_graph Objects
estimate_sigmaEstimate Bandwidth Parameter (Sigma) for the Heat Kernel
expand_label_similarityExpand Similarity Between Labels Based on a Precomputed...
factor_simCompute Similarity Matrix for Factors in a Data Frame
feature_weighted_spatial_constraintsConstruct Feature-Weighted Spatial Constraints for Data...
find_nnFind nearest neighbors
find_nn_amongFind nearest neighbors among a subset
find_nn_betweenFind nearest neighbors between two sets of data points
graph_weightsConvert a Data Matrix to an Adjacency Graph
heat_kernelCompute the Heat Kernel
label_matrixCompute a Similarity or Distance Matrix for Categorical...
label_matrix2Create a Label Adjacency Matrix
laplacianCompute Graph Laplacian of a Weight Matrix
laplacian.neighbor_graphLaplacian Matrix for neighbor_graph Objects
make_doubly_stochasticCompute the doubly stochastic matrix from a given matrix
nclassesNumber of Classes
neighbor_graphNeighbor Graph
neighbor_graph.igraphNeighbor Graph for igraph Objects
neighbor_graph.MatrixNeighbor Graph for Matrix Objects
neighborsNeighbors of a Set of Nodes
neighbors.neighbor_graphNeighbors for neighbor_graph Objects
node_density.neighbor_graphNode Density for neighbor_graph Objects
non_neighborsget indices of the non-neighbors of a set of nodes
non_neighbors.neighbor_graphNon-neighbors for neighbor_graph Objects
normalize_adjacencyNormalize Adjacency Matrix
nverticesNumber of Vertices in Graph-like Objects
pairwise_adjacencyCompute a pairwise adjacency matrix for multiple graphs
psparseApply a Function to Non-Zero Elements in a Sparse Matrix
repulsion_graphThis function creates a repulsion graph, which is a graph...
search_resultSearch result for nearest neighbor search
spatial_adjacencyCompute the spatial adjacency matrix for a coordinate matrix
spatial_autocorCompute a spatial autocorrelation matrix
spatial_constraintsConstruct a Sparse Matrix of Spatial Constraints for Data...
spatial_laplacianCompute the spatial Laplacian matrix of a coordinate matrix
spatial_lap_of_gaussCompute the spatial Laplacian of Gaussian for a coordinate...
spatial_smootherCompute the spatial smoother matrix for a coordinate matrix
temporal_adjacencyCompute the temporal adjacency matrix of a time series
temporal_autocorCompute the temporal autocorrelation of a matrix
temporal_laplacianCompute the temporal Laplacian matrix of a time series
threshold_adjacencyThreshold Adjacency
weighted_factor_simCompute Weighted Similarity Matrix for Factors in a Data...
weighted_knnWeighted k-Nearest Neighbors
weighted_spatial_adjacencyWeighted Spatial Adjacency
within_class_neighborsWithin-Class Neighbors
within_class_neighbors.class_graphWithin-Class Neighbors for class_graph Objects
bbuchsbaum/graphweights documentation built on April 4, 2024, 7:19 p.m.