Man pages for bbuchsbaum/multivarious
Extensible Data Structures for Multivariate Analysis

add_nodeadd a pre-processing stage
apply_rotationApply rotation
apply_transformapply a pre-processing transform
bi_projectorConstruct a bi_projector instance
bi_projector_unionA Union of Concatenated 'bi_projector' Fits
block_indicesget block_indices
block_lengthsget block_lengths
bootstrapBootstrap Resampling for Multivariate Models
bootstrap.pcaPCA Bootstrap Resampling
centercenter a data matrix
classifierConstruct a Classifier
classifier.discriminant_projectorCreate a k-NN classifier for a discriminant projector
classifier.multiblock_biprojectorMultiblock Bi-Projector Classifier
classifier.projectorcreate 'classifier' from a 'projector'
coef.cross_projectorExtract coefficients from a cross_projector object
colscalescale a data matrix
componentsget the components
compose_projectorCompose Two Projectors
compose_projectorsProjector Composition
concat_pre_processorsbind together blockwise pre-processors
convert_domainTransfer data from one input domain to another via common...
cross_projectorTwo-way (cross) projection to latent components
discriminant_projectorConstruct a Discriminant Projector
freshGet a fresh pre-processing node cleared of any cached data
group_meansCompute column-wise mean in X for each factor level of Y
init_transforminitialize a transform
inverse_projectionInverse of the Component Matrix
is_orthogonalis it orthogonal
multiblock_biprojectorCreate a Multiblock Bi-Projector
multiblock_projectorCreate a Multiblock Projector
nblocksget the number of blocks
ncompGet the number of components
nystrom_embeddingNystrom method for out-of-sample embedding
partial_inverse_projectionPartial Inverse Projection of a Columnwise Subset of...
partial_projectPartially project a new sample onto subspace
partial_projectorConstruct a partial projector
partial_projector.projectorconstruct a partial_projector from a 'projector' instance
passa no-op pre-processing step
pcaPrincipal Components Analysis (PCA)
perm_ciPermutation Confidence Intervals
predict.classifierpredict with a classifier object
prepprepare a dataset by applying a pre-processing pipeline
prinangCompute principal angles for a set of subspaces
print.bi_projectorPretty Print S3 Method for bi_projector Class
print.bi_projector_unionPretty Print S3 Method for bi_projector_union Class
print.classifierPretty Print Method for 'classifier' Objects
print.composed_projectorPretty Print Method for 'composed_projector' Objects
print.multiblock_biprojectorPretty Print Method for 'multiblock_biprojector' Objects
print.projectorPretty Print Method for 'projector' Objects
projectNew sample projection
project_blockProject a single "block" of data onto the subspace
project.cross_projectorproject a cross_projector instance
projectorConstruct a 'projector' instance
project_varsProject one or more variables onto a subspace
reconstructReconstruct the data
refitrefit a model
regressMulti-output linear regression
reprocessapply pre-processing parameters to a new data matrix
reprocess.cross_projectorreprocess a cross_projector instance
residualizeCompute a regression model for each column in a matrix and...
residualsObtain residuals of a component model fit
reverse_transformreverse a pre-processing transform
rf_classifierconstruct a random forest wrapper classifier
rf_classifier.projectorcreate a random forest classifier
rotateRotate a Component Solution
scoresRetrieve the component scores
sdevstandard deviations
shapeShape of the Projector
shape.cross_projectorshape of a cross_projector instance
standardizecenter and scale each vector of a matrix
std_scoresCompute standardized component scores
svd_wrapperSingular Value Decomposition (SVD) Wrapper
transposeTranspose a model
truncatetruncate a component fit
bbuchsbaum/multivarious documentation built on April 15, 2024, 3:33 a.m.