Pandemic Policy Evaluation (ppe) package

The ppe package contains code for estimating policy effects during the pandemic. It is the companion code for Callaway and Li (2023), Policy Evaluation during a Pandemic. The central idea of that paper is to compare locations who implemented some Covid-19 related policy to other locations that did not implement the policy and that had the same pre-treatment values of Covid-19 related characteristics. These characteristics definitely include (i) the current number of cases and (ii) the number of susceptible individuals (or equivalently the cumulative number of cases). They might also include demographic characteristics, population densities, region of the country, among others.

This amounts to an unconfoundedness-type strategy. In the paper, we compare it to a difference in differences strategy and argue that the unconfoundedness strategy is likely to be more appropriate to evaluate policies during the pandemic. The rationale for this argument is that epidemic models from the epidemiology literature are highly nonlinear but do not involve individual-level unobserved heterogeneity. See our five minute summary for additional discussion along these lines.

In practice, we use a doubly robust estimation procedure that estimates both the propensity score (which is related to the treatment assigment model) and an outcome regression for untreated potential outcomes (which is related to the epidemic model). An important advantage of this is that, at least to some extent, it allows us to side-step the issue of estimating a full epidemic model.

To demonstrate our approach, we provide a shortened version of the application from our paper which is about the effect of shelter-in-place orders early in the pandemic. We have state-level data about Covid-19 cases, tests, and the timing when a state adopted a shelter-in-place order.

# load the data

# formula for covariates
xformla <- ~ current + I(current^2) + region + totalTestResults

A first issue is that there are major overlap violations — for example, there are just not good comparison states for New York. As a first step, we drop those:

trim_id_list <- lapply(c(10,15,20,25,30),
time_id_list <- unlist(trim_id_list)
# states that we will drop
unique(subset(covid_data, state_id %in% time_id_list)$state)
#>  [1] "AL" "CA" "CO" "CT" "FL" "GA" "IL" "LA" "ME" "MI" "MO" "MS" "NH" "NJ" "NY"
#> [16] "PA" "RI" "SC" "TX" "VT" "WA"
covid_data2 <- subset(covid_data, !(state_id %in% time_id_list))

Next, we use the pte package to estimate policy effects. This basically involves us only having to write a new function to compute group-time average treatment effects — for us, it is the function covid_attgt (which is essentially just a function to compute doubly robust treatment effect estimates under unconfoundedness and that include lags of some variables).

res <- pte(yname="positive",

#> Overall ATT:  
#>      ATT    Std. Error     [ 95%  Conf. Int.] 
#>  14.8882       94.6445  -170.6117     200.388 
#> Dynamic Effects:
#>  Event Time Estimate Std. Error     [95%  Conf. Band]  
#>         -10  -3.7266     3.5462  -13.1725      5.7192  
#>          -9   2.6607     1.5290   -1.4121      6.7335  
#>          -8   0.8290     2.2085   -5.0538      6.7117  
#>          -7   5.2843     1.7238    0.6929      9.8758 *
#>          -6   2.8555     1.9809   -2.4210      8.1320  
#>          -5   1.3589     3.3550   -7.5775     10.2953  
#>          -4   0.3294     3.2940   -8.4445      9.1033  
#>          -3  -4.2227     5.7334  -19.4943     11.0490  
#>          -2  -3.8447     2.7204  -11.0910      3.4015  
#>          -1  -0.2234     3.1731   -8.6753      8.2285  
#>           0 -10.8156     9.4857  -36.0821     14.4508  
#>           1 -13.7998    15.0944  -54.0057     26.4061  
#>           2  -7.8432    12.9323  -42.2899     26.6035  
#>           3  -4.5541     9.4707  -29.7805     20.6722  
#>           4  -3.5368    10.9555  -32.7181     25.6445  
#>           5   8.5221    15.0145  -31.4709     48.5151  
#>           6   1.1140    17.5362  -45.5959     47.8239  
#>           7   6.6384    20.1748  -47.0996     60.3765  
#>           8   7.1288    26.4804  -63.4052     77.6628  
#>           9  10.8758    30.8404  -71.2715     93.0232  
#>          10  17.5057    29.7749  -61.8034     96.8148  
#>          11  40.8318    42.3066  -71.8570    153.5206  
#>          12  48.6134    46.9495  -76.4424    173.6692  
#>          13  52.4228    52.5594  -87.5757    192.4213  
#>          14  50.2000    56.7979 -101.0883    201.4884  
#>          15  68.2960    80.3536 -145.7358    282.3279  
#>          16  44.7305    69.2848 -139.8183    229.2793  
#>          17  61.4670   104.2957 -216.3376    339.2715  
#>          18  50.4635   110.5002 -243.8676    344.7946  
#>          19  47.3392   108.5430 -241.7786    336.4570  
#>          20  28.6326   110.3186 -265.2147    322.4800  
#>          21   4.3445   156.0880 -411.4153    420.1044  
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0

and we can also plot the results in event study.

ggpte(res) + ylim(c(-1000,1000))

To conclude, we provide estimated effects of the effects of shelter-in-place orders on travel. In the paper, we mainly consider the case where (i) the policy can have a direct effect on travel, (ii) the policy can have a direct effect on Covid-19 cases, and (iii) Covid-19 cases can have their own effect on travel. This means that the policy can have an indirect effect on travel through its effect on Covid-19 cases. We show in the paper that neither standard DID (ignoring cases) nor DID that includes current cases as a covariate delivers a suitable estimate of the effect of the policy on travel in this case. We propose an alternative estimator that accounts for the indirect effect of the policy on travel through its effect on cases, and show code for this approach below.

oo_res <- pte(yname="retail_and_recreation_percent_change_from_baseline",

#> Overall ATT:  
#>      ATT    Std. Error     [ 95%  Conf. Int.] 
#>  -3.9162        1.9992    -7.8346      0.0021 
#> Dynamic Effects:
#>  Event Time Estimate Std. Error    [95%  Conf. Band]  
#>         -10  -3.0210     1.9257  -8.9866      2.9446  
#>          -9   2.7846     1.7390  -2.6024      8.1716  
#>          -8   0.2543     1.5070  -4.4140      4.9227  
#>          -7  -1.2765     0.8811  -4.0059      1.4529  
#>          -6  -0.9085     1.1079  -4.3407      2.5237  
#>          -5  -0.6359     1.2406  -4.4790      3.2071  
#>          -4   1.6184     1.3089  -2.4363      5.6732  
#>          -3  -0.4660     0.9118  -3.2907      2.3588  
#>          -2   0.7693     1.1197  -2.6993      4.2380  
#>          -1   0.2643     0.9478  -2.6717      3.2002  
#>           0  -0.8510     2.1891  -7.6326      5.9305  
#>           1  -5.5461     2.1491 -12.2037      1.1116  
#>           2  -6.5928     1.6279 -11.6356     -1.5500 *
#>           3  -6.7447     2.0879 -13.2126     -0.2769 *
#>           4  -7.2925     1.9662 -13.3834     -1.2017 *
#>           5  -3.6784     2.6473 -11.8792      4.5224  
#>           6  -4.9731     1.9253 -10.9373      0.9911  
#>           7  -4.0683     2.2645 -11.0835      2.9469  
#>           8  -6.1649     1.6756 -11.3555     -0.9742 *
#>           9  -5.9830     1.3731 -10.2365     -1.7295 *
#>          10  -1.4185     2.0007  -7.6162      4.7792  
#>          11  -2.4974     1.7783  -8.0062      3.0114  
#>          12  -1.9884     1.4214  -6.3918      2.4149  
#>          13  -3.3056     2.1034  -9.8216      3.2105  
#>          14  -2.4633     1.9937  -8.6393      3.7127  
#>          15  -3.8627     2.0857 -10.3239      2.5986  
#>          16  -3.3849     1.7224  -8.7206      1.9508  
#>          17  -2.1404     2.2102  -8.9872      4.7065  
#>          18  -6.1309     2.3983 -13.5605      1.2987  
#>          19  -0.7883     2.7191  -9.2115      7.6350  
#>          20   0.6190     2.7521  -7.9066      9.1447  
#>          21  -5.0789     3.0584 -14.5533      4.3954  
#> ---
#> Signif. codes: `*' confidence band does not cover 0

# make an event study plot
ggpte(oo_res) + ylim(c(-30,30))

bcallaway11/ppe documentation built on April 26, 2023, 6:47 p.m.