Man pages for bcgov/bcgroundwater
Analyse B.C. Groundwater Level Data

arg_matchA better match.arg especially for checking function inputs
bcgroundwaterbcgroundwater: Analyse B.C. Groundwater Level Data
get_gwlRetrieve and format groundwater data from B.C. Data Catalogue
gwl_area_plotCreates an area plot of groundwater levels with trend line
gwl_monthly_plotCreate a graph of historical monthly water level deviations
gwl_zyp_testPerform Mann-Kendall trend test on many wells
make_well_tsGet full time series with missing values interpolated
monthly_valuesObtain a single groundwater level for each month
plot_point_with_insetPlot a point on a map with an overview inset
readGWLdata(DEFUNCT) Read in groundwater data from file downloaded from...
trim_cons_runsFind consecuctive runs of a value in extremes of a vector
utm_ddConvert zone+utm pairs to lat/long
bcgov/bcgroundwater documentation built on March 18, 2024, 5:43 a.m.