  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Modular Structure

The CLUS Explorer app is initiated using {golem} package.

This facilitates the following:

The application is highly modularized, with each module being created in a separate file, and each file containing both ui and server Shiny functions.

All files containing the application logic are in /R directory.

For easier organization, the "page" modules are prefixed with mod_page_ prefix, while reusable chart modules are prefixed with mod_chart_ prefix.

There are also several files containing helper functions. They all contain _utils_ in the file name.

Running the App and App Hierarchy

The app is started by running the /app.R file in the repo root. It calls the golem::run_dev function which loads the app_ui and app_server files, which in turn load Shiny ui and server functions.

Following is the hierarchy of the modules:

app.ui - defines the Shiny Dashboard page, sidebar menu and tab items

Tab items call the following UI modules:

passing in the module ID as a string.

app_server - Calls the following modules

It observes the changes in selected scenarios and recalculates reportList reactive value, which contains all data relevant for generating charts and reports.

The server functions of remaining modules are invoked by passing in the reportList reactive value.

The report generation module mod_page_report_server is called by passing in reportList reactive and a number of additional relevant variables required to generate the PDF, Word or PowerPoint reports.

Generating reports

The app can generate reports in PDF and Microsoft Word or PowerPoint formats. The prerequisites for generating the report are:

When the "Download report" button is clicked, the download handler function takes all the relevant data objects that were passed in to the mod_page_report module as parameters, and passes them as params list into the rmarkdown::render function.

The rendering uses inst/app/report.Rmd markdown file as a template. The report.Rmd file accepts all parameters in params key of the yaml front matter.

In the yaml front matter, it also sets latex and other variables used for rendering and loads the required R packages.

Since generating the report allows the user to select the sections they want included, rendering is also broken down into individual markdown files for each of the sections.

The evaluation of user selection which sections should be included, and inclusion of individual markdown files corresponding to user selection happens in the code chunk definitions in `inst/app/report.Rmd' markdown file. For example:

<!-- Summary -->
{r, eval=('summary' %in% params$details), child=c('reports/summary.Rmd')}

These included individual markdown files run in the same environment as the main report.Rmd file, so all variables and data objects are available for them at runtime.

Managing Dependencies

The app uses {renv} package to manage dependencies and package versions. When the containers are started, the first command that is executed is renv::restore(), which brings the environment up to date with the packages and versions recorded in renv.lock file in the repository root.

bcgov/clus_explorer documentation built on Oct. 16, 2022, 1:56 p.m.