Man pages for bcgov/envreportutils
Utilities for common operations, mainly plotting

add_bc_home_buttonAdd a 'Zoom to BC button' to a leaflet map
bgc_coloursGet colour codes for B.C. Biogeoclimatic (BGC) Zones
css_caaqs_copyCreate copy of CAAQS CSS styles for leaflet map
envreportutils-deprecatedDefunct functions in envreportutils
get_data_licenceReturns a url, or a markdown-formatted or html-formatted link...
multiplotPlot multiple plots in a single pane. This function stills...
order_dfCreate an ordered factor in a data.frame and sort the...
png_retinaCreate png for retina display
popup_caaqsCreate popup for combination CAAQS indicators
popup_combine_rowsCombine popup rows for leaflet maps
popup_create_rowCreate a popup row div for leaflet maps
report_percentRound percentage values in standard way for reporting
set_bc_viewSet Leaflet map view to B.C.
set_bc_view_on_closeRe-centre map to B.C. on popup close
set_soe_rootSet the path to the root of your SoE network folder
soe_pathSpecify a path to a folder or file in the SOE folder on the...
softPost a file to SOFT for sharing
svg_pxCreate svg for the web, specifying size in pixels
theme_soeDefault theme for EnvReportBC graphs and plots
theme_soe_facetDefault theme for EnvReportBC facetted graphs and plots
to_titlecaseConvert a word or phrase to Title Case
bcgov/envreportutils documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 8:48 p.m.