  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
  out.width = "100%"


The goal of tibbleOne is to make it easy for analysts to include a Table 1 object in both LaTeX and html markdown documents. I made this package because I was unable to get the html tables I wanted from the existing table one R packages. Notably, this package has far fewer features than the outstanding TableOne package, but it can get a readable Table 1 object into a markdown document with less effort.


You can install the latest version of tibbleOne from github with:



For a more detailed example, see the 'start here' vignette. This example shows basic elements of tibbleOne.


The first step should be setting labels for variables that will be in the table. This can be done using set_variable_labels and then building a meta data set. You may also just pipe the labelled dataset into tibble_one(), but it is generally more useful to keep the meta data object in case you need to use the labels for other tables in your analysis.

meta <- pbc_tbl1 %>% 
    status = "Status at last contact",
    trt = "Treatment group",
    age = 'Age',
    sex = 'Sex at birth',
    ascites = 'Ascites',
    bili = 'Bilirubin levels',
    edema = 'Edema',
    albumin = 'Serum Albumin'
  ) %>%

tbl_one <- tibble_one(
  data = pbc_tbl1,
  meta_data = meta,
  formula = ~ . | trt,
  include_pval = TRUE

Last step, we pass tbl_one into the to_kable() function, which provides a couple of nice formatting procedures to make the data look like the type of Table 1 that you may see in a published article.

cap <- 'Characteristics of patients with primary biliarry cirrhosis.'

tbl_one %>% 
  to_kable(caption = cap) %>%
    position = 'center',
    bootstrap_options = c('striped')

bcjaeger/KableOne documentation built on Oct. 16, 2019, 12:26 p.m.