
# deprecated.
# ._pcr_10yr <- function(
#   age_years,
#   race,
#   sex,
#   smoke_current,
#   chol_total_mgdl,
#   chol_hdl_mgdl,
#   bp_sys_mmhg,
#   bp_meds,
#   diabetes,
#   equation_version,
#   override_boundary_errors,
#   race_levels,
#   sex_levels,
#   smoke_current_levels,
#   bp_meds_levels,
#   diabetes_levels
# ) {
#   # coerce categorical data to character values ----
#   race = as.character(race)
#   sex = as.character(sex)
#   smoke_current = as.character(smoke_current)
#   bp_meds = as.character(bp_meds)
#   diabetes = as.character(diabetes)
#   # argument checking ----
#   check_call(
#     match.call(),
#     expected = list(
#       'age_years' = list(
#         type = 'numeric',
#         length = NULL,
#         lwr = ifelse(override_boundary_errors, yes = -Inf, no = 40),
#         upr = ifelse(override_boundary_errors, yes = Inf,  no = 80)
#       ),
#       'race' = list(
#         type = 'character',
#         length = NULL,
#         options = race_levels
#       ),
#       'sex' = list(
#         type = 'character',
#         length = NULL,
#         options = sex_levels
#       ),
#       'smoke_current' = list(
#         type = 'character',
#         length = NULL,
#         options = smoke_current_levels
#       ),
#       'chol_total_mgdl' = list(
#         type = 'numeric',
#         length = NULL,
#         lwr = ifelse(override_boundary_errors, yes = -Inf, no = 130),
#         upr = ifelse(override_boundary_errors, yes = Inf,  no = 320)
#       ),
#       'bp_sys_mmhg' = list(
#         type = 'numeric',
#         length = NULL,
#         lwr = ifelse(override_boundary_errors, yes = -Inf, no = 90),
#         upr = ifelse(override_boundary_errors, yes = Inf,  no = 200)
#       ),
#       'bp_meds' = list(
#         type = 'character',
#         length = NULL,
#         options = bp_meds_levels
#       ),
#       'diabetes' = list(
#         type = 'character',
#         length = NULL,
#         options = diabetes_levels
#       ),
#       'race_levels' = list(
#         type = 'list',
#         length = 2,
#         names = c('black', 'white')
#       ),
#       'sex_levels' = list(
#         type = 'list',
#         length = 2,
#         names = c('female', 'male')
#       ),
#       'smoke_current_levels' = list(
#         type = 'list',
#         length = 2,
#         names = c('no', 'yes')
#       ),
#       'bp_meds_levels' = list(
#         type = 'list',
#         length = 2,
#         names = c('no', 'yes')
#       ),
#       'diabetes_levels' = list(
#         type = 'list',
#         length = 2,
#         names = c('no', 'yes')
#       )
#     )
#   )
#   check_equal_lengths(
#     age_years = age_years,
#     race = race,
#     sex = sex,
#     smoke_current = smoke_current,
#     chol_total_mgdl = chol_total_mgdl,
#     chol_hdl_mgdl = chol_hdl_mgdl,
#     bp_sys_mmhg = bp_sys_mmhg,
#     bp_meds = bp_meds,
#     diabetes = diabetes
#   )
#   check_nas(
#     age_years = age_years,
#     race = race,
#     sex = sex,
#     smoke_current = smoke_current,
#     chol_total_mgdl = chol_total_mgdl,
#     chol_hdl_mgdl = chol_hdl_mgdl,
#     bp_sys_mmhg = bp_sys_mmhg,
#     bp_meds = bp_meds,
#     diabetes = diabetes
#   )
#   # recoding categorical data ----
#   race_recode <- race
#   race_recode[race %in% race_levels$black] <- 'black'
#   race_recode[race %in% race_levels$white] <- 'white'
#   sex_recode <- sex
#   sex_recode[sex %in% sex_levels$female] <- 'female'
#   sex_recode[sex %in% sex_levels$male] <- 'male'
#   bp_meds_recode <-
#     as.numeric(tolower(bp_meds) %in% tolower(bp_meds_levels$yes))
#   bp_meds_recode[is.na(bp_meds)] <- NA_integer_
#   smoke_current_recode <-
#     as.numeric(tolower(smoke_current) %in% tolower(smoke_current_levels$yes))
#   smoke_current_recode[is.na(smoke_current)] <- NA_integer_
#   diabetes_recode <-
#     as.numeric(tolower(diabetes) %in% tolower(diabetes_levels$yes))
#   diabetes_recode[is.na(diabetes)] <- NA_integer_
#   ._pcr_fun <- switch(equation_version,
#                       'Goff_2013' = ._pcr_Goff_2013,
#                       'Yadlowsky_2018' = ._pcr_Yadlowsky_2013)
#   ._pcr_fun(
#     age_years = age_years,
#     race = race_recode,
#     sex = sex_recode,
#     smoke_current = smoke_current_recode,
#     chol_total_mgdl = chol_total_mgdl,
#     chol_hdl_mgdl = chol_hdl_mgdl,
#     bp_sys_mmhg = bp_sys_mmhg,
#     bp_meds = bp_meds_recode,
#     diabetes = diabetes_recode
#   )
# }
# ._pcr_Goff_2013 <- function(age_years,
#                             race,
#                             sex,
#                             smoke_current,
#                             chol_total_mgdl,
#                             chol_hdl_mgdl,
#                             bp_sys_mmhg,
#                             bp_meds,
#                             diabetes){
#   # transforming data for input into PCR equations ----
#   ln_age        <- log(age_years)
#   ln_chol_total <- log(chol_total_mgdl)
#   ln_chol_hdl   <- log(chol_hdl_mgdl)
#   ln_sbp        <- log(bp_sys_mmhg)
#   # internal data for computation of individual sums ----
#   ._data <- data.frame(
#     race = race,
#     sex = sex,
#     ln_age = ln_age,
#     ln_age_squared = ln_age^2,
#     ln_chol_total = ln_chol_total,
#     ln_age_x_ln_chol_total = ln_age * ln_chol_total,
#     ln_chol_hdl = ln_chol_hdl,
#     ln_age_x_ln_chol_hdl = ln_age * ln_chol_hdl,
#     ln_treated_sbp = ln_sbp * bp_meds,
#     ln_untreated_sbp = ln_sbp * (bp_meds == 0),
#     ln_age_x_ln_treated_sbp = ln_age * ln_sbp * bp_meds,
#     ln_age_x_ln_untreated_sbp = ln_age * ln_sbp * (bp_meds == 0),
#     smoker = smoke_current,
#     ln_age_x_smoker = ln_age * smoke_current,
#     diabetes = diabetes,
#     stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#   )
#   ._data$._ID <- seq_len(nrow(._data))
#   # model coefficients ----
#   # coefficients vary by race/sex and are copied from:
#   # https://github.com/cerner/ascvd-risk-calculator/blob/master/app/load_fhir_data.js
#   race_sex_coefs <- data.frame(
#     sex = c('female', 'female', 'male', 'male'),
#     race = c('black', 'white', 'black', 'white'),
#     base_surv                      = c(0.95334 , 0.96652 , 0.89536, 0.91436),
#     coef_mean                      = c(86.6081 , -29.1817, 19.5425, 61.1816),
#     coef_ln_age                    = c(17.1141 , -29.799 , 2.469  , 12.344),
#     coef_ln_age_squared            = c(0       , 4.884   , 0      , 0),
#     coef_ln_chol_total             = c(0.9396  , 13.54   , 0.302  , 11.853),
#     coef_ln_age_x_ln_chol_total    = c(0       , -3.114  , 0      , -2.664),
#     coef_ln_chol_hdl               = c(-18.9196, -13.578 , -0.307 , -7.99),
#     coef_ln_age_x_ln_chol_hdl      = c(4.4748  , 3.149   , 0      , 1.769),
#     coef_ln_treated_sbp            = c(29.2907 , 2.019   , 1.916  , 1.797),
#     coef_ln_age_x_ln_treated_sbp   = c(-6.4321 , 0       , 0      , 0),
#     coef_ln_untreated_sbp          = c(27.8197 , 1.957   , 1.809  , 1.764),
#     coef_ln_age_x_ln_untreated_sbp = c(-6.0873 , 0       , 0      , 0),
#     coef_smoker                    = c(0.6908  , 7.574   , 0.549  , 7.837),
#     coef_ln_age_x_smoker           = c(0       , -1.665  , 0      , -1.795),
#     coef_diabetes                  = c(0.8738  , 0.661   , 0.645  , 0.658),
#     stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#   )
#   # risk computation ----
#   ._data <- merge(x = ._data,
#                   y = race_sex_coefs,
#                   by = c('race', 'sex'),
#                   all.x = TRUE,
#                   all.y = FALSE,
#                   sort = FALSE)
#   ._data$ind_sum <- with(
#     ._data,
#     coef_ln_age * ln_age +
#       coef_ln_age_squared * ln_age_squared +
#       coef_ln_chol_total * ln_chol_total +
#       coef_ln_age_x_ln_chol_total * ln_age_x_ln_chol_total +
#       coef_ln_chol_hdl * ln_chol_hdl +
#       coef_ln_age_x_ln_chol_hdl * ln_age_x_ln_chol_hdl +
#       coef_ln_treated_sbp * ln_treated_sbp +
#       coef_ln_untreated_sbp * ln_untreated_sbp +
#       coef_ln_age_x_ln_treated_sbp * ln_age_x_ln_treated_sbp +
#       coef_ln_age_x_ln_untreated_sbp * ln_age_x_ln_untreated_sbp +
#       coef_smoker * smoker +
#       coef_ln_age_x_smoker * ln_age_x_smoker +
#       coef_diabetes * diabetes
#   )
#   # compute risk using individuals' sum of terms ----
#   output <- with(._data, 1 - base_surv^exp(ind_sum - coef_mean))
#   # merge() does not maintain order, so re-order here
#   output[order(._data$._ID)]
# }
# ._pcr_Yadlowsky_2013 <- function(age_years,
#                        race,
#                        sex,
#                        smoke_current,
#                        chol_total_mgdl,
#                        chol_hdl_mgdl,
#                        bp_sys_mmhg,
#                        bp_meds,
#                        diabetes) {
#   sex_coefs <- data.frame(
#     sex = c('female', 'male'),
#     intercept                  = c(-12.823110, -11.679980),
#     coef_age                   = c( 0.106501,   0.064200),
#     coef_black                 = c( 0.432440,   0.482835),
#     coef_sbp_squared           = c( 0.000056,  -0.000061),
#     coef_sbp                   = c( 0.017666,   0.038950),
#     coef_bp_meds               = c( 0.731678,   2.055533),
#     coef_diabetes              = c( 0.943970,   0.842209),
#     coef_smoke_current         = c( 1.009790,   0.895589),
#     coef_chol_ratio            = c( 0.151318,   0.193307),
#     coef_age_x_black           = c(-0.008580,   0.000000),
#     coef_sbp_x_bp_meds         = c(-0.003647,  -0.014207),
#     coef_sbp_x_black           = c( 0.006208,   0.011609),
#     coef_bp_meds_x_black       = c( 0.152968,  -0.119460),
#     coef_age_x_sbp             = c(-0.000153,   0.000025),
#     coef_black_x_diabetes      = c( 0.115232,  -0.077214),
#     coef_black_x_smoke_current = c(-0.092231,  -0.226771),
#     coef_black_x_chol_ratio    = c( 0.070498,  -0.117749),
#     coef_black_x_sbp_x_bp_meds = c(-0.000173,   0.004190),
#     coef_black_x_sbp_x_age     = c(-0.000094,  -0.000199),
#     stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#   )
#   # transforming data for input into PCR equations
#   black <- as.numeric(race == 'black')
#   ._data <- data.frame(
#     sex = sex,
#     age = age_years,
#     black = black,
#     sbp_squared = bp_sys_mmhg^2,
#     sbp = bp_sys_mmhg,
#     bp_meds = bp_meds,
#     diabetes = diabetes,
#     smoke_current = smoke_current,
#     chol_ratio = chol_total_mgdl / chol_hdl_mgdl,
#     age_x_black = age_years * black,
#     sbp_x_bp_meds = bp_sys_mmhg * bp_meds,
#     sbp_x_black = bp_sys_mmhg * black,
#     bp_meds_x_black = bp_meds * black,
#     age_x_sbp = age_years * bp_sys_mmhg,
#     black_x_diabetes = black * diabetes,
#     black_x_smoke_current = black * smoke_current,
#     black_x_chol_ratio = black * chol_total_mgdl / chol_hdl_mgdl,
#     black_x_sbp_x_bp_meds = black * bp_sys_mmhg * bp_meds,
#     black_x_sbp_x_age = black * bp_sys_mmhg * age_years,
#     stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#   )
#   ._data$._ID <- seq_len(nrow(._data))
#   ._data <- merge(x = ._data,
#                   y = sex_coefs,
#                   by = 'sex',
#                   all.x = TRUE,
#                   all.y = FALSE,
#                   sort = FALSE)
#   ._data$ind_sum <- with(
#     ._data,
#     intercept +
#       coef_age * age +
#       coef_black * black +
#       coef_sbp_squared * sbp_squared +
#       coef_sbp * sbp +
#       coef_bp_meds * bp_meds +
#       coef_diabetes * diabetes +
#       coef_smoke_current * smoke_current +
#       coef_chol_ratio * chol_ratio +
#       coef_age_x_black * age_x_black +
#       coef_sbp_x_bp_meds * sbp_x_bp_meds +
#       coef_sbp_x_black * sbp_x_black +
#       coef_bp_meds_x_black * bp_meds_x_black +
#       coef_age_x_sbp * age_x_sbp +
#       coef_black_x_diabetes * black_x_diabetes +
#       coef_black_x_smoke_current * black_x_smoke_current +
#       coef_black_x_chol_ratio * black_x_chol_ratio +
#       coef_black_x_sbp_x_bp_meds * black_x_sbp_x_bp_meds +
#       coef_black_x_sbp_x_age * black_x_sbp_x_age
#   )
#   output <- with(._data, 1 / (1 + exp(-ind_sum)))
#   # merge() does not maintain order, so re-order here
#   output[order(._data$._ID)]
# }
bcjaeger/PooledCohort documentation built on March 10, 2024, 2:12 a.m.