Man pages for bcjaeger/Solo
Tabulates Prevalence and Hazard Ratios ("Never Tell me the Odds!")

adapt_rounda helper function for rounding numbers, big and small.
bind_modelsturn a list of tidy models into a data frame of tidy models.
compute_binary_descriptivescompute size and prevalence of a binary outcome for exposure...
compute_survival_descriptivescompute descriptive statistics for survival outcomes
fit_modelmodeling function for hazard ratios
gather_predictorshelper function to translate control objects into lists of...
hr_tableGenerate a publication-ready table with hazard ratios
list_elementshelper function to list things.
make_tidy_modelsGenerate a nice table with prevalence ratios a nice table with ratios
make_tidy_models.midsGenerate a nice table with prevalence ratios
pr_tableGenerate a nice table with prevalence ratios
scrub_datacheck inputs and return the original (og) data.
scrub_variablesidentify unique variables in a character vector of model...
write_footerwrites a footnote describing the models in a prevalence table
bcjaeger/Solo documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:03 p.m.