diabetes: Diabetes data.

Description Usage Format Details Source References


These data are courtesy of Dr John Schorling, Department of Medicine, University of Virginia School of Medicine. The data originally described 1046 participants who were interviewed in a study to understand the prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and other cardiovascular risk factors in central Virginia for African Americans. A total of 403 participants were screened for diabetes, which was defined as glycosolated hemoglobin > 7.0. Among those 403 participants, 366 provided complete data for the variables in these data.




A list with two data frames: one holding complete data and the other holding data that are missing completely at random. Each set contains the same participants and the same variables:


The data were originally shared in the Publish package, developed by Thomas Gerds. They are modified slightly here for the purposes of the ipa package.



Willems JP, Saunders JT, DE Hunt, JB Schorling: Prevalence of coronary heart disease risk factors among rural blacks: A community-based study. Southern Medical Journal 90:814-820; 1997 Schorling JB, Roach J, Siegel M, Baturka N, Hunt DE, Guterbock TM, Stewart HL: A trial of church-based smoking cessation interventions for rural African Americans. Preventive Medicine 26:92-101; 1997.

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